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albums of FAO Forestry
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Greening synergies
Young minds, green solutions. Thematic youth session pre-COFO 27
Wangari Maathai Forest Champions Award Ceremony
Promoting forest-based food security and poverty alleviation
Connecting Forestry Minds: Youth and Leaders dialogue at the 9th World Forest Week
Career talk with Cristina Goralewski Hempel
Empowering women through beekeeping for sustainable rural livelihoods and regenerated forests
Career talk with Randy Moore
Side event: The Fire Hub – connecting the global fire community
Special event: Green Cities Initiative
Side event: Greening with mangroves in drylands and beyond
Side event: Accelerating innovation for forest data transparency
Release of Unasylva 255 - Restoring the Mediterranean region
Side event: Forest and land restoration – pathways to UNCCD COP16
Meet the bamboo master
COFO 2024: Day 4 (25/07/2024)
Side event: Advancing forest sustainability and climate resilience through an enhanced forest monitoring system
High-level dialogue on innovation
High-level dialogue on scaling up agroforestry
Side event: Montreal Process Synthesis Report 2023 – temperate and boreal forest trends
Breakfast Coffee ConversationLegal Innovation for Wildlife, Communities, and Forests
Celebrating wood: Sustainable wood-based bioeconomy reception
COFO 2024: Day 3 (24/07/2024)
Side event: Cool forests – forest-water-climate linkages for resilient food systems
High-level special event: Dialogue with statutory bodies in forestry
Towards a digital public infrastructure for deforestation-related trade regulations live demo: Open Foris Whisp
Youth event: The bean to cup experience
World Forest Week in the Atrium
COFO 2024: Day 2 (23/07/2024)
Side Event: Empowering communities, restoring landscapes & conserving ecosystems
FAO-IUFRO 75th anniversary celebrations
COFO 2024: Day 1 (22/07/2024)
WOOD for GLOBE: Leading pathways to carbon neutrality and resilience
Forests and cities
Climate change
Food security
Sustainable forests
Parks and Urban Forests
Asia and the Pacific
Europe and Central Asia
Latin America and the Caribbean
Mediterranean and Near East
North America
Sustainable use and value chains
Halting deforestation
Forest restoration
XV World Forestry Congress Media photos
Forest restoration: A path to recovery and well-being
Paktya province Afghanistan
Afforestation/Reforestation Initiatives in Eastern Afghanistan (Laghman Province) under GEF7 Project.
Afforestation/Reforestation Initiatives in Southeastern Afghanistan (Khust Province)
Pistachio Forest and Rangeland Restoration in the Badghis Province
Innovating tradition to protect ancient forests in Papua New Guinea with the AIM4Forests programme
Uganda - Greening the Humanitarian Response Project
Tanzania - Greening the Humanitarian Response Project
Social forestry community Ciwidey, West Java, Indonesia
Wood and Bio Energy-related projects in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
Association des femmes productrices et vendeuses de charbon de bois (MALEBI)
Cameroon - FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Colombia - FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Côte d 'Ivoire - FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Ghana - FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Guatemala - FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Guyana - FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Indonesia - FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Thailand - FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
FAO-UNHCR-WB Mission in Uganda - 11-19 March 2018
Guinea: Fouta Djallon Highlands Project
FAO field mission in Turkana county, Kakuma refugee camp
Tunisia Addresses Forestland Encroachment
Women in forestry
Water for the world
Forests for socio-economic development and food security
Encouraging product innovation and sustainable trade
The future is in the forest
Mountains' benefits
From users to producers: Scaling up FFPO businesses to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in climate-resilient landscapes
Protecting the upside-down forest
Food from the forest
Wood is energy
Green cities
Once green, today brown
Climate change is changing our world
The forest is alive
FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Expanding Africa’s Great Green Wall
Typhoon Haiyan, Philippines
Grow the solution selfie opportunity
Forests and innovation - International Day of Forests 2024 photo contest longlist
IDF 2024 Photo Contest
Photo Contest International Day of Forests 2020
Adults - IDF Photo contest 2020
Youth - IDF Photo Contest 2020
The Value of Forests Photo Contest
Children - IDF photo contest 2020
Photo Contest 2015
2015 Mediterranean Forest Week photo contest
2018 International Day of Forests - Photo Contest
Forests and People Photo Contest
#COFO23 #ChampionTrees Photo Contest
Asia-Pacific Forestry Week Photo Contest 2016
Art and Joy of Wood Conference 2011 Photo Contest
Winner of "Living with Wood" Photo Contest
Winner of "Wood as never seen before" Photo Contest
Winner of "Working with Wood" Photo Contest
1 Historic photos (Casale Monferrato collection)
2 Poplars and Willows of the World
3 Ecology and Physiology of Poplars and Willows
4 Domestication and Conservation of Populus and Salix Genetic Resources
5 Operational Poplar and Willow Culture
6 Environmental Applications of Poplars and Willows
7 Abiotic Stresses
8 Diseases of Poplars and Willows
9 Insect and Other Pests of Poplars and Willows
10 Properties, Processing and Utilization
11 Poplars and Willows for Rural Livelihoods and Sustainable Development
Activity 1: Drawing in small groups: WOOD PRODUCTS
Activity 2: Learning through role-play: BEES IN THE COLONY
Activity 3: Game-based learning: PHOTOSYNTHESIS LELAY
The second DSL-IP Regional Stakeholders Workshop - Day 1
The second DSL-IP Regional Stakeholders Workshop - Day 2
The second DSL-IP Regional Stakeholders Workshop - Day 3
The second DSL-IP Regional Stakeholders Workshop - Day 4
The second DSL-IP Regional Stakeholders Workshop - Day 5
Country-led planning forum: "Connect & Reflect"
Joint session: Gaining a shared understanding on how to get sustainable, operational and impactful National Forest Monitoring Systems
Indonesian MoEF and FAO technical meetings on National Forest Inventory (NFI)
Technical Exchange on Forest Monitoring for Measurement, Reporting and Verification
Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme - Legal diagnostic tool validation meeting - DAY 1
Knowledge Exchange on Forest Monitoring for Transparent Commodity Value Chains
Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme - Legal diagnostic tool validation meeting - DAY 2
Eighth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources
Forest and farm champions: rural youth shaping tomorrow’s forests and farms
Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme - Legal diagnostic tool validation meeting DAY 3
Eight UN-REDD Executive Board Meeting
NFO & ESN Seminar on Forests for food security and nutrition
South-South Exchange on REDD+ results-based financing
Atelier technique de planification RESSOURCE+
Activity 4: Surveying in the community: ENERGY AND FORESTS
3rd technical workshop of the Fire Hub - Day 1
3rd technical workshop of the Fire Hub - Day 2
3rd technical workshop of the Fire Hub - Day 3
Tree planting ceremony and Inauguration of the educational path at the FAO Park of Global library of trees and flowers.
Global Transformation of Forests for People and Climate
Forest Data Partnership 2024 - Annual Meeting
Advancing Sustainable Wood Policy and Science for Carbon-neutral and Resilient Economies
IDF 2024 - Morning sessions
IDF 2024 - Afternoon sessions
Women’s Entrepreneurship in Forestry. Challenges and opportunities
The FAO Forestry Roadmap. An informal briefing
Scaling-up agroforestry
REDD+ / NFM teams Retreat 2023
FAO-CBD Target 2 Technical Meeting
Developing Roadmap KunmingMontreal GGF Target 2Target 2 Technical Meeting
Forest Kids at the World Food Forum 2023
The Sixth Advisory Group and Knowledge-Sharing Event of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism
Open Foris Arena workshop
Forests for our Future
15th annual meeting of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW).
FCN Annual workshop Prague
WeCaN workshop, May 2023
GFOI Plenary - 11 May 2023
GFOI Plenary - 10 May 2023 - Reception
GFOI Plenary - 10 May 2023
GFOI Plenary - 9 May 2023
Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources – 7th Session
International Day of Forests 2023
Women leaders in forestry: Healthy forests for healthy people
Day 1. Capacity Building Summit of the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI)
Day 2. Capacity Building Summit of the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI)
R&D coordination meeting of the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) - 30 January 2023, Washington DC
Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) – Meeting of the Leads and Component Managers
Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2025 Remote Sensing Expert Meeting
Turning the Tide on Deforestation
The Restoration Factory
Committee on Forestry, 26th Session (COFO 26) and World Forestry Week (WFW) Opening Session
One Health: concrete steps towards harnessing forestry and wildlife sectors
Capitalizing on sustainable livestock management to ramp down deforestation in dryland forest regions
Catalysing a science-based restoration movement in the context of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: monitoring and action on the ground
The strategic way of integrating forestry into recovery support measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Build Back Better with Forests
Global status and needs for strengthening forest education - charting a path forward
Forest futures in the Asia-Pacific Region - main results of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study and lessons learned for other regions
25th Anniversary High-Level Dialogue on Forests in the Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals - and beyond
High-Level Dialogue on Turning the Tide on Deforestation
Vision and Strategy for FAO’s Work in Nutrition – A Forestry Perspective
Global Forest Resources Assessment 2020 and the way forward
Food systems transformation, land use and deforestation
Forest and Farm Facility Steering committee meeting
Meeting of the Principals of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests
Workshop on area estimation using high resolution satellite imagery
Working Group 1 – Indicator 13 “Number of forest dependent people in extreme poverty”
Working Group 2 - Indicator 14 "Contributions of forests, trees, and agroforestry to Food Security and Nutrition (FSN)”
Working Group 3 - Indicator 15 "Financial resources from all sources for implementation of Sustainable Forest Management”
Working Group 4 – Indicator 10 "Wood based energy share of total final energy consumption”
Working Group 5 – Indicator 12 "Employment related to the forest sector“
Second FFEM Steering Committee meeting
Opening of The Restoration Initiative (TRI) Week Global Programme Worshop
TRI Week Global Programme Workshop
Fifth Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM) Advisory Group Meeting
Interactive poster session during the Fifth FLRM Advisory Group Meeting
Wangari Maathai Forest Champions Award Ceremony 2019
RESSOURCE Steering Committee
Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems
Annual 2019 plenary of the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI)
Scaling-up Investments for the Forest and Farm Facility Resource Partners’ Thematic Consultation
Study visit to FAO of a group of Indian Forest Service (IFS) probationers
Willdife Forum of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management
International Day of Forests 2019 – Forests and Education
Student workshop IDF2019
Forest as a pathway to limit global warming
Latin American Forest Communicators Network Workshop 2018
Second Technical Steering Committee RESSOURCE Project
2018 Asia Pacific Forest Communicators Network Workshop
AAD Workshop in Niamey, Niger
IDF2018 Photo Contest Award Ceremony
Planning and managing future green cities for human health and well-being. The role of urban forests and trees
Knowledge café - Tuesday, 24 July 2018
COFO24: FO Technical Network discussion
COFO Plenary (items 8/9/10/11)
Violin Donation
Towards a harmonized global approach for managing Forest Invasive Species (insect pests, diseases and plants)
Forests and Water on a Changing Planet: Redefining the Narrative
Improving governance for reducing deforestation and forest degradation – Collaboration between REDD+ and FLEGT initiatives
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World
What is the future of forests and forestry? The outlook for forests and forestry in 2030 and beyond
Forest and Farm Producer organizations as primary agents of change for climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods
Status of the four main regional dynamics on Forest and Landscape Restoration
Consolidating success: Progress on forest monitoring for REDD+
Items 7.2: Supporting the Implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests
IPC Special session COFO24
Mainstreaming biodiversity in the forest sector – regional perspectives and outlook
Creating synergies between forestry and social protection
Partnering for SDG implementation in forestry and peatlands – FAO & Luke
Halting Deforestation While Ensuring Food Security and Nutrition: How to Do It? Calling for Stronger Multi-sectoral Collaboration
Item 7.1: FAO’s Work in Forestry under the Reviewed Strategic Framework
Item 6.4 - Enhancing work on boreal and temperate forests
Item 6.2 - Report on progress and MYPOW COFO24
First global Steering Committee of the FFEM project “FLR and SLM in the Sahel"
Common Ground: Multipurpose land-use planning for halting deforestation and delivering on the sustainable development agenda
COFO Plenary - Dialogue with Statutory Bodies
COFO Plenary - Decisions and Recommendations of FAO Bodies of Interest to the Committee
Introduction of the first report from the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration, and other key restoration initiatives
The Forest Concessions voluntary guidelines in practice: Key lessons from country
FAO Turkey Forestry Partnership Programme (FTFP)
Item 6.5 Biennial theme: Climate change and its impact
IPC-Executive Committee Meeting
Dialogue on Investing in Forest Education for a Sustainable Future
Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Forests for Food Security and Nutrition: Follow-up to the 44th Session of the Committee on World Food Security
REDPARQUES and its Vision for the conservation of the biological and cultural diversity of the Amazon biome
Forests and beauty: The immense potential of non-wood forest products for the cosmetic and fragrance industry
Eating to extinction: how to tackle the “wild meat” crisis?
FLRM Advisory Group Meeting
Urban and peri-urban forestry
High-Level Dialogue on Urban and Peri-urban Forestry
The scale of forest and farm producers' contributions to sustainable development: What we know and what we don’t
High-Level Dialogue on Forests and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Adaptation for forests - Forests for Adaptation
Implementing Article 5 of the Paris Agreement and achieving climate neutrality through forests
COFO Plenary: Item 4 SOFO 2018 Key findings
COFO Plenary: Items 1-2-3
How can agriculture, forestry and fisheries work together to achieve the SDGs? - WFW Session / FAO Side Event
Forests and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Accelerating Progress towards SDG15
Opening Ceremony COFO24
Atrium settings for the 24th Session of the Committee on forestry (COFO) and the 6th World Forest Week
9th Meeting of the Collaborative Partnership of Sustainable Wildlife Management
IFOAM and FAO signing of MoU on improving the livelihoods of rural people
Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources, 8 - 10 May 2018 Italy, FAO HQ, Rome
Day 1 - REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat 2018
Day 2 - REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat 2018
2018 International Day of Forests - Forests and Sustainable Cities
Role of forest law enforcement, governance and trade (FLEGT) instruments in halting deforestation
Shaking the coconut tree - Capacity-development workshop
DAY 3 - Working across sectors to halt deforestation and increase forest area - from aspiration to action - International Conference
DAY 2 - Working across sectors to halt deforestation and increase forest area - from aspiration to action - International Conference
DAY 1 - Working across sectors to halt deforestation and increase forest area - from aspiration to action - International Conference
Strengthening Bangladesh's national forest inventory
FAO at Global Landscapes Forum 2017
Understanding landscape and watershed management in mountains
Speed geeking session – Mountain Partnership Global Meeting
Andean Mountain Initiative: a regional vision on sustainable mountain development in the Andes
2017 SFI Annual Conference
Mountain Partnership Global Meeting 2017 – Day 3
Promoting mountain products to improve local economies and livelihoods -
Mountain Partnership Global Meeting 2017 - Day 2
Mountain Partnership Global Meeting 2017 – Day 1
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World - Opening
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World
Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World
Be inspired by trees!
Launch of the EU-ACP Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme
First Technical meeting (Inception phase) of the Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme
Communications session at 125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress 2017
125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress 2017
3rd GlobBiomass User Workshop
Financing mechanisms for local investment in forest and landscape restoration
Monitoring Forest and Landscape Restoration
Third Advisory Group of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM) meeting
13-19 yrs old
09-12 yrs old
05-08 yrs old
From reference levels to results reporting: REDD+ under the UNFCCC
First Executive Board meeting, UN-REDD
Wild but edible and nutritious! – Exploring new (and old) ways to contribute to the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition and the SDGs
Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
Seventh Meeting of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW)
Policies for Agroforestry Development in Québec, Canada
Timber Regulation Enforcement Exchange (FAO, Rome, 5-7 April 2017)
Methodology to Integrate a Woodfuel Module into Household Surveys
FAO's Global Forest Resources Assessments (FRA) Advisory Group - 5-6 October 2016, Rome, Italy
Guide for the classical biological control of insect pests in planted and natural forests
#ChampionTrees photo contest award
International Day of Forests 2017
DAY 1 - REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat. FAO HQ, Rome 19-20 Dec 2016
Day 2 - REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat
Day 3 - Organization-Led Initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests in support to the United Nations Forum on Forests
Day 2 - Organization-Led Initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests in support to the United Nations Forum on Forests
Day 1 - Organization-Led Initiative of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests in support to the United Nations Forum on Forests
Fiji Forest Training Centre tour, Australia, 2016
Item 14. Closure of the Session
Item 6.2 Funding opportunities for forests
#COFO23 #ChampionTrees photo contest shortlist
Sustainable Financing for Forest & Landscape
Using Google technology to strengthen global forest and land monitoring data analysis
Social protection for building resilience of forest dependent people
Launch of a new book entitled "La gestion inclusive des forêts d'Afrique centrale. Passer de la participation au partage des pouvoirs
Roundtable on Why bioeconomy matters to FAO? Examples of FAO cross-sectoral support to bioeconomy
High-level panel discussion on "Inseparable: forests, wildlife and food security"
Forest communication session How can we lead forestry out of the woods?
Item 8.1 Follow up on the outcome of-the XIV World Forestry Congress: Achieving the 2050 Vision for-Forests and Forestry
Gender and Forestry
Greening the Charcoal Value Chain
Item 8.3. Hosting the XV World-Forestry Congress
Items 7.1 and 7.5
Item 7.6 Statutory bodies
Item 7.3 Establishment of a Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems
The 2030 Agenda: a unique opportunity for engaging forestry in constructive dialogue with agriculture?
Urban Forests for Sustainable Cities
REDD+ and FLEGT: Working together to strengthen forest governance and climate change mitigation
2nd Advisory Group Meeting of the Forest and Landscape Restoration
Forest and Landscape Restoration regional initiatives
Climate change mitigation options in the forest sector: Economics, opportunities and way forward
FFF: Unfinished agenda for forests and climate change: Local communities and smallholders and their organizations as the enabling actors to address climate change
Manuel Obregon Concert
5.2 SDG Indicators, monitoring and reporting
Forests and Woodfuel in Emergency Situations
Photo Jury
The First Global Drylands Assessment Preliminary Findings & Way Forward
Item 6.1 FAO's corporate climate change strategy and the role of forests
High Level Dialogue Forest and Climate change - Tree Talk
Forests and Woodfuel in Emergency Situations
Opening Ceremony COFO23
FAO-Korea Joint Side Event on Integrated Policy for Forests, Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods
Great Green Wall: Africa’s Response to Climate Change and Zero Hunger
Item 5.1 Forests, food security, hunger and poverty eradication: FAO’s work on the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of forests
High Level Dialogue - Forest and the SDGs
State of the World's Forests 2016
Celebration of the World Day to Combat Desertification
Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia workshop, June 2016
Agreement between FAO Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme and the European Commission
FAO Forestry Assistant Director-General René Castro Salazar
Global Timber Forum 2016, 10-12 May 2016, FAO HQ, Rome
Fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources, 10 May 2016 - 12 May 2016 Italy, FAO HQ, Rome
Day 1 - Drylands & Forest and Landscape Restoration Monitoring Week
Day 2 - Drylands & Forest and Landscape Restoration Monitoring Week
Day 3 - Drylands & Forest and Landscape Restoration Monitoring Week
Day 4 - Drylands & Forest and Landscape Restoration Monitoring Week
FAO and Google join forces to strengthen the role of technology for sustainable development
First Asia-Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting – Zhuhai, China
Action Against Deserti-fication - Niger 2016
2016 International Day of Forests, Rome
Asia-Pacific Forestry Week 2016
Improving forest communication for people and forests
XIV WFC - 11 September 2015
XIV WFC - 10 September 2015
XIV WFC - 09 September 2015
XIV WFC - 08 September 2015
Congress exhibition hall
Youth Orientation
Building Momentum
XIV WFC - 06/07 September 2015
High Level Meeting, Kew-FAO partnership
Side Event: XIV World Forestry Congress - Information Event
Strengthening finance for sustainable forest management: the role of national forest funds
Earth Day 2015 - Dee Dee Bridgewater
Côte d'Ivoire national tree-planting ceremony 2015
2015 National Tree Planting Day, Tehran
2015 International Day of Forests, Rome
Global Landscapes Forum 2014
Forests and water: International Day of Forests 2016
HRH Prince Laurent of Belgium, FAO Special Ambassador for Forests and the Environment
Celebrating the International Day of Forests with the Special Ambassador to FAO for Forests and the Environment, HRH Prince Laurent of Belgium
CPF Wangari Maathai Award 2014
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, and the Climate Summit
FAO's programme of work in forestry under the reviewed strategic framework
Enhancing FAO work on Dryland Forests - Pleanary Session - COFO 2014
Policy Measures to Sustain and Enhance Forest Benefits - COFO 2014: Day 2
REDD+ implementation and sustainable forest management - WFW4: Day 5
Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox - WFW4: Day 5
Recognizing the vital role of family forestry in celebration of the International Year of Family Farming - WFW4: Day 4
Dryland Forests and Agroforestry Systems - WFW4: Day 3
Enhancing FAO Work on Boreal Forests - COFO 2014: Day 4
Closing Session - COFO 2014: Day 5
Enhancing Forest Communication - COFO 2014: Day 3
Boreal Forests: from Discussion to Action - WFW4: Day 3
Head of Forestry Dialogue, Zero Illegal Deforestation Challenge - WFW4: Day 3
Promotion of the International Poplar Commission - WFW4: Day 3
Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox - COFO 2014: Day 3
Strengthening the Coordination and Cooperation between Technical Committees - COFO 2014: Day 3
Forests and Family Farming - COFO 2014: Day 1
Gender and Forestry - COFO 2014: Day 2
Quality Seed for Forestry -WFW4: Day 2
The Zero Hunger Challenge - COFO 2014: Day 2
The State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources - COFO 2014: Day 2
Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement - WFW4: Day 2
Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance - WFW4: Day 2
Mapping Mountain Vulnerability - WFW4 Event: Day 1
Opening Session - COFO 2014: Day 1
State of the World's Forests 2014
2014 International Day of Forests celebrations, Zimbabwe
2014 International Day of Forests: Bangkok
2014 International Day of Forests Seminar
International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests 2014
Russian Far East Forest Sector Study
World Wildlife Day 3 March 2014
Europe Forest Communicators Network meeting, June 2012
Latin America Forest Communicators Network
Mediterranean and Near East Forest Communicators Network
European Forest Week 2013
European Forest Week press conference, 9 December 2013
Africa Forest Communicators Network, 2012
Reseau des Communicateurs Forestiers de l’Afrique Francophone, 2013
Asia-Pacific Forest Communicators workshop 2013
Global Timber Forum
International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition: Closing Session
International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition: Poster Session
International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition: Reception
International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition: Parallel Sessions
International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition: Press Conference
International Conference on Forests for Food Security and Nutrition: Opening Session
Earth Day 2013 Press Conference
2013 International Day of Forests: Mammals of Africa
COFO 2012: Forest monitoring for REDD+ in Paraguaynew set
2013 International Day of Forests celebration, Rome
COFO 2012: Opening Session
COFO 2012: Signing Ceremony for World Forestry Congress 2015
COFO 2012: Associacõ Brasileira de Celulose e Papel (BRACELPA) side event
COFO 2012: Forest Resources Assessment
COFO 2012: CPF Wangari Maathai Award Presentation
COFO 2012: Atrium
COFO 2012: Photo Exhibition
COFO 2012: Jobs Fair with IFSA and partners
COFO 2012: 3rd Mediterranean Forest Week event
COFO 2012: Forests for People
COFO 2012: Progress, incl report from SILVAMED, IPC ACPWP
COFO 2012: Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative
COFO 2012: Synergies in implementing REDD, FLEGT and NFPs
COFO 2012: Forests, Trees and people together in a living landscape: A key to rural development
COFO 2012: Building resilient forest landscapes in drylands
COFO 2012: Follow up on the Recommendations of the 20th Session of COFO
COFO 2012: Research Panel
COFO 2012: Forest Information Tools
COFO 2012: Wildlife Management in Sub-Saharan Africa
COFO 2012: Closing Ceremony
Improving governance by building capacity
Monitoring forests for better decision-making
Building resilience with forests
Integrating forests and other land uses
Community-based forestry, a changing agenda: What vision for 2030? - WFW Session / FAO Side Event
IDF 2019 - Children's excursion in Castelfusano
IDF 2019 - Children's event at FAO HQ, Rome, Italy
Castelfusano 2019
Forest Education