FAO Forestry:
James Astill, Moderator and Political Editor at the Economist
FAO Forestry:
Dialogue on Investing in Forest Education for a Sustainable Future
FAO Forestry:
Thomas Haussman, Senior Forestry Officer, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
FAO Forestry:
Janet Martires, Project Development and Information, Kids-to-Forest Asia
FAO Forestry:
Martha Isabel 'Pati' Ruiz de Pedraza (Ruiz Corzo), Director, Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda I.A.P.
FAO Forestry:
Samuel Agyemang-Tutu, Communication Focal Point, Joint Task Force on Education, IFSA
FAO Forestry:
Janean Creighton, Associate Professor, Extension Specialist in Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Oregon State University
FAO Forestry:
Luis Chavez and Angelica Dao, Former Students, Kids-to-Forest Asia
FAO Forestry:
Godwin Kowero, Executive Secretary, African Forest Forum
FAO Forestry:
Alexander Buck, Executive Director, IUFRO
FAO Forestry:
Eva Müller, Director, Forestry Policy and Resources Division, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Dialogue on Investing in Forest Education for a Sustainable Future
FAO Forestry:
Alessandra Rodrigues Gomes, Head, Amazon Regional Center from the National Institute for Space REsearch (INPE), Brazil
FAO Forestry:
Placida Shuvai Chivandire, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Republic of Zimbabwe to FAO
FAO Forestry:
Jean Bosco Ndinduruvugo, Premer Conseiller, Représentant Permanent Burundi
FAO Forestry:
Ali Mahmoudi, Directeur Général, Direction Générale des Forêts
FAO Forestry:
Carl De Schepper, Team Strategie, Expert algemeen beleid Agentscap Natuur en Bos, Vlaamse Overheid
FAO Forestry:
Pedro Soust, Director, General Forestry Department, Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Uruguay
FAO Forestry:
Teguh Rahardja, Deputy Director of Multilateral Affairs, Indonesia
FAO Forestry:
Barbara Tavora Jainchill, Forest Affairs Officer, United Nations Forum on Forests
FAO Forestry:
Dialogue on Investing in Forest Education for a Sustainable Future