FAO Forestry:
REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat 2018
FAO Forestry:
REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat 2018
FAO Forestry:
Valerie Wayte, Editor, FAO
FAO Forestry:
REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat 2018
FAO Forestry:
L-R: Stefano Giaccio, IT Officer, FAO; Katheryne Clyne, Programme Specialist, FAO; Jose Carlos Fernandez Ugalde, REDD+ preparation and implementation consultant, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Roberto Fontanarosa, Forestry information systems consultant, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Abu Mahmood, Remote Sensing Expert, FAO Bangkok
FAO Forestry:
Marco Piazza, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
L-R: Kristin Devalue, REDD+ enabling environment and implementation specialist, FAO; Adam Gerrand, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Loreto Sanz Herrera, Office Assistant, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Yelena Finegold, International Consultant to Support Spatial Data Analysis, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Thomas Woolnough, REDD+ support, Consultant, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Amelie Arquero, Remote Sensing Expert, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Remi D'Annunzio, Remote sensing expert, FAO
FAO Forestry:
REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat 2018
FAO Forestry:
Anne Branthomme, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Carla Ramirez, National Forest Inventory Expert, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Malgorzata Buszko-Briggs, Programme Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Cristina Pelazza, Facilitator, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Mathieu Van Rijn, Forestry Officer, FAO Cambodia
FAO Forestry:
Francesca Felicani Robles, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Daniel Wiell, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Julian Fox, Forestry Forestry Officer, National Forest Monitoring Team Leader, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Rebecca Tavani, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Maria Nuutinen, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
L-R: Matieu Henry, Chief Technical Adviser, Bangladesh, FAO; Eliana Galarza, Project Management support for the SEPAL, FAO
FAO Forestry:
L-R: Donna Lee, International expert on FR(E)L for REDD+, FAO; Marco Piazza, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
L-R: Daniel Wiell, Forestry Officer, FAO, Rocio Condor, International Climate Change Expert, FAO
FAO Forestry:
REDD+/NFM (National Forest Monitoring) Cluster Retreat 2018
FAO Forestry:
L-R: Minoarivelo Randrianarison, Forestry Officer, FAO Kenya; Carla Ramirez, National Forest Inventory Expert, FAO