FAO Forestry: Victoria Zicos, Attaché, International Relations, Information & Communication Operations, European Union
FAO Forestry: Eva Müller, Director, Forestry Policy and Resources Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Forestry: 16 July 2018, Rome Italy – COFO Plenary: Item 4 SOFO 2018 Key findings, during the 24th Committee on Forestry (COFO) and the 6th World Forest Week at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
FAO Forestry: Esteban Borodowski, Dirección de Producción Forestal, Industrial del Ministerio de Agroindustria de la República Argentina
FAO Forestry: COFO Plenary: Item 4 SOFO 2018 Key findings
FAO Forestry: Arturo Beltran Retis, Director General, CONAFOR
FAO Forestry: Cynthia Silva Maturana, Vice‐minister of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forestry Management and Development, Plurinational State of Bolivia
FAO Forestry: Luis Fernando Ceciliano Piedra, Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Costa Rica
FAO Forestry: Naoko Tsukada, Director, International Forestry Cooperation Office, Forestry Agency
FAO Forestry: Victoria Christiansen, Interim Chief, US Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture
FAO Forestry: Soewarso Marthomihardjo, Head of Forest Plantation Production Division, Indonesian Association of Forest Concession Holders