FAO Forestry: L-R: Hiroto Mitsugi, CPF Chairperson, Assistant Director-General, Forestry department, FAO, Eva Müller, Director, Forestry Department, FAO
FAO Forestry: Hiroto Mitsugi, CPF Chairperson, Assistant Director-General, Forestry department, FAO
FAO Forestry: _DSC6374
FAO Forestry: L-R: Hiroto Mitsugi, Assistant Director-General, Forestry department, FAO, Eva Müller, Director, Forestry Department, FAO, Sheila Wertz, Team Leader, Forestry Policy and Resources Division, FAO, Till Neeff, Independent carbon finance expert, FAO
FAO Forestry: Till Neeff, Independent carbon finance expert, FAO
FAO Forestry: L-R: Eva Müller, Director, Forestry Policy and Resources Division, FAO, Sheila Wertz, Team Leader, Forestry Policy and Resources Division, FAO
FAO Forestry: Yuka Makino. Senior Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Anastasiya Idrisova, Programme Officer, Forestry Department, FAO
FAO Forestry: Tiina Vähänen, Coordinator, Forestry Policy and Resource Division, FAO
FAO Forestry: Thais Linhares Juvenal, Team Leader, Forest Governance and Economics, FAO
FAO Forestry: Thomas Hofer, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Till Neeff, Independent carbon finance expert, FAO
FAO Forestry: Mette Løyche Wilkie, Chief, Policy and Resources Division, Forestry Department, FAO
FAO Forestry: Nora Berrahmouni, Senior Forestry Officer, Secretary of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission, FAO
FAO Forestry: AbdelHamied Hamid, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Jeff Campbell, Manager, Forest & Farm Facility, FAO
FAO Forestry: Ekrem Yazici, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Thomas Hofer, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Daowei Zhang, Senior `Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Thais Linhares Juvenal, Team Leader, Forest Governance and Economics, FAO
FAO Forestry: Tiina Vähänen, Coordinator, Forestry Policy and Resource Division, FAO
FAO Forestry: Anssi Pekkarinen, Italia, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Julian Fox, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Opening
FAO Forestry: Luna Milatovic, Intern on Wildlife and Protected Area Management, FAO
FAO Forestry: Sheila Wertz, Team Leader, Forestry Policy and Resources Division, FAO
FAO Forestry: L-R: Hiroto Mitsugi, Assistant Director-General, Forestry department, FAO, Eva Müller, Director, Forestry Department, FAO, Sheila Wertz, Team Leader, FAO, Till Neeff, Independent carbon finance expert, FAO, Luna Milatovic, Intern, FAO
FAO Forestry: Peter Csoka, Secretary, Committee on Forestry, FAO
FAO Forestry: Opening
FAO Forestry: Opening