FAO Forestry: From left to right: Mr Nalin Kishor, PROFOR - Mr Jan Bock, GIZ
FAO Forestry: L-R : Robert Simpson, EU FAO FLEGT Programme Manager
FAO Forestry: Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance
FAO Forestry: Christian Jurgensen, FAO
FAO Forestry: Mariev, Russian Federation
FAO Forestry: Assessing and Monitoring Forest Governance
FAO Forestry: Mr Cesar Sabogal, FAO Forestry Officer
FAO Forestry: From left to right : Mr Ewald Rametsteiner, FAO Forest Policy Team Leader - Mr Wiratno, Indonesia
FAO Forestry: Mr Aho, Finland Delegate
FAO Forestry: Mr Herman Savenije, Tropenbos International