FAO Forestry: COFO Items 6 Progress in implementantion and 6.5 Biennial theme: Climate change and its impact on the work and activities of FAO
FAO Forestry: Lemuel Fitzgerald Providence, Vice-Chairperson of the COFO,
FAO Forestry: Tiina Vahanen, Coordinator, Forestry Policy and Resource Division, FAO
FAO Forestry: Ms Marilyn Headley, United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Focal Point, Chief Executive Officer and Conservator of Forests, Forestry Department, Jamaica
FAO Forestry: Keith Anderson, Forest and Climate Policy Advisor Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Forest Division, Switzerland
FAO Forestry: Liubov Poliakova, Head of International Cooperation Science and Public Relation Division, State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine
FAO Forestry: Arturo Beltran Retis, Director General, CONAFOR
FAO Forestry: Anura Sathurusinghe, Conservator General of Forests, Sri Lanka
FAO Forestry: Mohamed Ali Elhadi Ali, General-Director, Forest National Corporation
FAO Forestry: Abderrahim Houmy, Secretary-General, High Commission for Water, Forests and Combating Desertification
FAO Forestry: Oscar Labrador, Director Forestal, Ministerio di Agricultura
FAO Forestry: Emma Hatcher, Director, International Forest Policy, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Australia
FAO Forestry: H.E. Rosalie Matondo, Minister for Forest Economy, Republic of Congo
FAO Forestry: Guillermo Valentin Rodolico, Permanent Delegation of Argentina to the FAO
FAO Forestry: Ingwald Gschwandtl, Director, Division III/1, Forest Policy and Forest Information, Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, Austria
FAO Forestry: Naoko Tsukada, Director, International Forestry Cooperation Office, Forestry Agency, Japan
FAO Forestry: Christine Dawson, Director Office of Conservation and Water Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Department of State
FAO Forestry: Peter Csoka, Secretary, Committee on Forestry, FAO
FAO Forestry: Alexander Jones, Director, Climate and Environment Division, FAO