FAO Forestry: Philippines
FAO Forestry: Inspector performing legality checks in Kumasi, Ghana
FAO Forestry: Philippines
FAO Forestry: Mme Pelagie Kissi, Vice Présidente de l'Association des femmes productrices et vendeuses de charbon de bois (MALEBI), compte les sacs de charbons
FAO Forestry: Surin Province, Thailand
FAO Forestry: N'douci, Côte d 'Ivoire
FAO Forestry: Est Cameroun
FAO Forestry: Cameroun
FAO Forestry: Taking home fuelwood from the forest
FAO Forestry: FAO_25029_0082
FAO Forestry: FAO_25029_0064
FAO Forestry: Philippines
FAO Forestry: Africa, Guinea - A site in the Fouta Djallon Highlands showing deforestation for slash and burn agriculture
FAO Forestry: Senegal