FAO Forestry: Adjumani - Zoka Central Forest Reserve
FAO Forestry: A view from a forest in Kikalu, just north of Matadi
FAO Forestry: Europe, Switzerland - Foret de la Combe
FAO Forestry: An old growth tree in the Nkula Forest. Once these trees are logged, they are unable to regrow under the shade of the forest. The Institut National d'Études et de Recherches Agronomiques (INERA) conducts research within this forest
FAO Forestry: Central Asia, Indonesia - Agathis plantation
FAO Forestry: Poland: Las Puszcza Kozienicka ©Paweł Fabijański
FAO Forestry: Beech forest in Rieti, Italy
FAO Forestry: Indonesia’s Social Forestry Programme
FAO Forestry: Shorea tree in a primary peatswamp forest in Brunei
FAO Forestry: FAO_24969_223
FAO Forestry: Curtain Fig
FAO Forestry: Macedonia
FAO Forestry: Indonesia_HutanTanamanRakyat_UNKOWN_July2017_©FAOJosilMurray
FAO Forestry: Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo - Renovation of agricultural and forestry research
FAO Forestry: Philippines
FAO Forestry: Europe, Ukraine - Primeval Carpatian forest
FAO Forestry: Views of the Nkula Forest under study by the Institut National d'Études et de Recherches Agronomiques (INERA) for its biodiversity
FAO Forestry: A view of the Nkula Forest