FAO Forestry:
FAO Forestry:
Panel of the event: Catalysing a science-based restoration movement in the context of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: monitoring and action on the ground
FAO Forestry:
Khalil Walji, Forestry Consultant, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Mette Løyche Wilkie, Director, Forestry Division, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Julian Fox, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Yelena Finegold, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Justin van der Horn, Environmental Strategy Officer, Crowther Lab, ETH Zurich
FAO Forestry:
L. R. Jillian Gladstone, Coordinator, GRO, Climate Focus and Katie Reytar, Senior Research Associate, World Resources Institute
FAO Forestry:
Elmedina Krilasevic, Senior Program Officer, Forest Conservation Programme, IUCN
FAO Forestry:
Christophe Bésacier, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Marco Boscolo, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry:
Julian Fox, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO