FAO Forestry: Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Abdou Salam Kane, Ministry of the Environment, Senegal
FAO Forestry: Ayman Hamada, Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, Egypt
FAO Forestry: Christophe Deniau, CIRAD, France
FAO Forestry: Niaizié Mallet, Ministry of the Environment, Mali
FAO Forestry: Hubert Boulet, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Geoffroy Citegetse, Birdlife International, Senegal
FAO Forestry: Jean-Yves Mondain-Monval, Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (ONCFS), France
FAO Forestry: L-R: Mohamed Adam Abdalgader, Wildlife Conservation Society, Sudan, Pierre Defos du Rau, Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (ONCFS), France, Ayman Hamada, Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, Egypt
FAO Forestry: L-R: Francois Lamarque, French Ministry of Environment, Energy and Sea (MEEM), Clémence Deschamps, Tour du Valat, France
FAO Forestry: L-R: Patrick Triplet, Oiseaux Migrateurs du Paléarctique Occidental (OMPO), Alexandre Czajkowski, Oiseaux Migrateurs du Paléarctique Occidental, (OMPO), Constance Corbier Barthaux, French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM)
FAO Forestry: Working groups session - Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Working groups session - Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Working groups session - Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Working groups session - Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Working groups session - Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Working groups session - Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Working groups session - Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Working groups session - Inception Workshop and First Technical Steering Committee of the RESSOURCE Project
FAO Forestry: Constance Corbier Barthaux, French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM)
FAO Forestry: Sébastien Le Bel, CIRAD
FAO Forestry: Ward Hagermeijer, Wetlands International, The Netherlands
FAO Forestry: Ibrahima Thiam, Wetlands International, The Netherlands
FAO Forestry: Jacques Trouvilliez (Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA), Germany
FAO Forestry: Mobido Touré (FAO MALI)
FAO Forestry: Saleh Wachoum Abakar, Ministry of the Environment, Chad
FAO Forestry: L-R: Tiziana Tarricone, FAO, Hubert Boulet, Forestry Officer, FAO
FAO Forestry: L-R: Ambra Sangiorgio, FAO, Tiziana Tarricone, FAO