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small reedgrass in bloom
Lantana Land Grab
Calf Island, late September
E end Zack's Cliffs
southern pine beetle outbreak
common idia caterpillars
featherfoil in fruit
whitetail doe
16.2 mm male crane fly
S bank Pine Tree Brook in late winter
Nashaquitsa Cliffs in fog
29 cm bluefin tuna skull
lobster boats at Holyoke Wharf
Pine Tree Brook floods Harland St
bulldozed paper mill
Boston Harbor 6/24/21
dying green ashes
growing pains, Pine Hill Cemetery
Demolition starts at derelict paper mill
sharpleaf cancerwort
Verizon linemen replacing phone pole
backyard arborists
5.8 cm male red-spotted newt
Preliminary dig-up, former Blue Hills Reservation parkland
Bear Dens
Rainsford Island 10/20/19
fifty-minute emergence, male lancet clubtail
Eastbound Interstate 84
little bluestem in bloom
Crossing Vineyard Sound
woodland oatgrass in fruit
retreating mallards
emerald skins
Asiatic sweetleaf in bloom
Land clearing at former Town Farm
black oaks killed by Winter Storm Riley
reddening lepiota
migrating male marbled salamanders
fishing class at Ponk
buttonbush in bloom
bristly sarsaparilla in fruit
Ten-acre grass fire
corn plant
Japanese stewartia in fruit
2nd graders at Glover School
Neponset Estuary paddle 10/7/16
Sarah and Craig
Back River paddle
jointed goatgrass in bloom
5.5 mm female anthomyiid
7.9 mm female introduced muscid
small shelly fauna, Hoppin Hill Reservoir
Weymouth Formation
Match Community Day School
10.5 mm female anthomyiid
late-blooming english holly
Acrotaphus wiltii
rose of sharon in bloom
25 mm female ichneumon
14.5 mm brown marmorated stinkbug
'English Roseum' rhododendron
8.4 mm female cuckoo bee
NEIGC field trip, Quincy, MA 10/12/14
canary reedgrass inverts
red buckeye in fruit
lake sedge
Tileston and Hollingsworth Dam
March inverts, Hillside Pond
riffle fauna, Chestnut Run
eastern forktail naiads
winter twigs, swamp sweetbells
Melanotus click beetles
spice cabinet ecosystem
male water sowbug
winter twigs, fox grape
winter twigs, poison sumac
winter twigs, big-seeded hawthorn
winter twigs, Morrow's honeysuckle
winter twigs, swamp azalea
winter twigs, willow-leaved cotoneaster
snow this AM
winter twigs, false indigo
oats in fruit
adventive juvenile chinese chestnut
fall color, laceleaf maple
cellar holes, Camp Sayre
visit from sewer cam
male northern paper wasp
North Bank Bridge
clamming at Eel Pond
Grey Barn Farm
ESCI field trip to Lovell's Island
how to eat lobster
new bathhouse, Houghton's Pond
largemouth bass skeleton
Boston Community Choir
tulip tree in bloom
japanese primrose in bloom
female spring fishfly
dissected blue marsh violet
recent work, Ponkapoag Golf Course
female russian tortoise
mating march flies
25-acre grass fire, Fowl Meadow
young samaras, silver maple
winter twigs, swamp white oak
winter twigs, cucumber tree
female rustic wolf spider
winter twigs, pin oak
frost withers saucer magnolias
rhyolite quarry, Mattapan
winter twigs, princess tree
winter twigs, tulip tree
winter twigs, sycamore
grass fire, Neponset Estuary
white oak stem galls
winter twigs, white oak
winter twigs, black oak
gouty oak galls
winter twigs, red oak
recent work, Ponkpoag Golf Course
winter twigs, boxelder
fruiting winter twigs, smooth sumac
winter twigs, threadleaf sawara cypress
spotted joe pye weed in fruit
pitch pine cone
ada çayi
tansy in fruit
winter twigs, rusty willow
winter twigs, meadow willow
christmas lights, Carberry Lane
barnyard grass in fruit
japanese honeysuckle in fruit
creepy callers
crossing Vineyard Sound 9/17/11
Stonewall Point
Wequobsque Cliffs
damaged riprap
Menemsha Hills
ESCI field trip to Lovell's Island
salt marsh above Granite Avenue
swamp dock in fruit
fanwort in bloom
indian tobacco in bloom
female house spider
red oak seedling
Jardin de la Gare-de-Charonne
Pere Lachaise
Monument aux Girondins
downy hawthorn in bloom
Carolina silverbell in bloom
pond cleaning, Trailside Museum
aging flowers, sugar maple
budding rhizomes, lily of the valley
breaking buds, withe-rod
winter twigs, bitternut hickory
ripening pollen cones, cultivated yew
snowdrops in bloom
shrubby thornless honey locust
breaking buds, bigtooth aspen
breaking buds, russian elm
winter twigs, beech
former paper mill
winter twigs, yellow birch
winter twigs, ailing hemlock
winter twigs, bittersweet nightshade
male winter twigs, quaking aspen
winter twigs, siberian elm
snowy night, Mattapan Square
winter twigs, callery pear
winter twigs, blue spruce
male winter twigs, red maple
winter twigs, japanese zelkova
winter twigs, virginia creeper
winter twigs, sugar maple
winter twigs, norway spruce
winter twigs, balsam fir
winter twigs, tupelo
fruiting spike, narrowleaf plantain
japanese wisteria in fruit
great water dock in fruit
late-blooming ragweed
fall color at Willett Pond
jerusalem artichoke
slippery jill
red chokeberry in fruit
sloop salvaged, Vineyard Haven
mobile poultry processing unit
grapeleaf anemone
Othello on Boston Common
water purslane
vacancies, Milton Town Farm
at the dermatologist
deptford pink in fruit
new plantings, Blue Hills Reservoir
cleistogamous flowers, bracted plantain
former Blue Hills Reservoir
pair common house spiders
Blue Hill Avenue bridge, Neponset River
bulbous buttercup
twin-spotted spiketail exuviae
tussock sedge in bloom
skunk cabbage sprout
Crown Colony Office Park
honey locust in bud
western catalpa, late winter
dam failure in Canton
Ellis Pond Dam
battered seawall, Oak Bluffs
winter twigs, horse chestnut
winter twigs, norway maple
winter twigs, common buckthorn
fruits in winter, meadowsweet
gray birch saplings
beaver skull
jack pine
ice fishing derby
HP print cartridges
atrium plants
Hull volcanics
bladder wrack
crab scramble
juvenile sculpin
yellow nutsedge
early snowfall, Union, CT
shagbark hickory nuts
downy goldenrod
honey mushrooms
creamy ladies' tresses
european fire ants and woolly alder aphids
canoeing Neponset Estuary
60-acre gravel pit, Oak Bluffs
bouncing bet
pitseed goosefoot
little ladies' tresses
seabeach orache
silk tree
rough boneset
retreating dune, Wilfrid's Pond
old man of the woods
Martha's Vineyard flyover
hedge bindweed
weeping lovegrass
tanks go under at Blue Hills Reservoir 8/2/09
soil and vegetation plots, Course One, Ponkapoag golf course
black swallowwort
curly dock
blunt broom sedge
chinese smartweed
ribbonleaf pondweed
water pepper
jointed rush
milkweed in bloom
dusk on Buck Hill
awlfruit sedge
pale sedge
black raspberry
wood bluegrass
121 Sullivan 6/26/09
Flat-topped Agaricus
pointed broom sedge
rough bluegrass
kentucky bluegrass
Annual Meeting, Neponset River Watershed Association
golden ragwort in bloom
swamp dock in bloom
common woodrush in fruit
northern dewberry in bloom
male greenbrier in bloom
hackberry in bloom
chinese crab in bloom
annual bluegrass
bulbous bluegrass
greenbrier seeds from old scat
Bradley Estate, Canton 4/19/09
male cottonwood in bloom
budding mayumi
female boxelder in bloom
spotted salamander
winter twigs, white ash
illustrations from Forbush and Fernald, The Gypsy Moth (Boston, 1896)
amur corktree 3/25/09
winter twigs, green ash
winter twigs, arrowwood
winter twigs, white mulberry
winter twigs, hackberry
low tide at Billings Creek 3/15/09
sunken fairways, Ponkapoag
winter twigs, black walnut
deer eaten in vacant lot
winter twigs, poison ivy
winter twigs, littleleaf linden
sterile winter twigs, american elm
split pods, black locust
winter twigs, black cherry
winter twigs, black locust
Ponkapoag Dam rehab
winter twigs, chinese crab
Swingle's Quarry
winter twigs, sassafras
winter twigs, black birch
wintercreeper or climbing euonymus
West Roxbury quarry
fortification at Baker Dam
Scene from Summit House Hill
Mount Clef Ridge 12/23/08
aleppo pine
coastal prickly pear
mexican fan palm
planted willow oak
adventive pin oak
Big Sycamore Canyon 12/26/08
male cultivated yew
fruiting red cedar 12/15/08
burning bush 12/7/08
Tileston and Hollingsworth Dam, Neponset River
juvenile shagbark hickory 11/26/08
black jelly oyster 11/26/08
douglas fir 11/26/08
pignut hickory 11/23/08
brined olive pits
dried globe amaranth
earthy powdercap
male winter moths
late fall oyster
palomino cup
velvet foot
northern shorthusk
election day
hop sedge
citron amanita
flowering dogwood
hairy bush clover
nodding beggarticks
fruiting maleberry
purpletop tridens
winged pigweed
common sandbur
Em's farm
Agardh's red weed
saltmarsh hemp
american shieldback
chinese mantis
giant millipede
silvery-violet cort
coastal plain flat-topped goldenrod
destroying angel
himalayan blackberry
stormy AM, Edgartown Harbor
Norton Point
marsh becoming beach
saltwater cordgrass
swamp milkweed
dusty miller
virginia creeper
pointed broom sedge
silvery or hay sedge
bush honeysuckle
hairy willow herb
common plantain
creeping spike sedge
wild licorice
broad-leaved woodland sedge
variable panic grass
striped wintergreen
pignut hickory 7/11/08
hop hornbeam
capitate sedge
tapered panic grass
forked chickweed
black oatgrass
quince rust on shadbush
ribbed sedge
European green crab
waxy meadow rue
clasping bellwort
reflexed sedge
southern catalpa in bloom
field garlic
yellow salsify
bladder campion
glaucous hawkweed
black medick
Morrison's spurrey
mouse-ear hawkweed
cypress spurge
Em graduates
hybrid bluebells
canada geese
lily of the valley
canada mayflower
jack in the pulpit
female sassafras
common periwinkle
japanese flowering quince
spicebush in bloom
red maple in bloom
European larch in bloom
flat red bark beetle
beaked hazel
broom crowberry
skunk cabbage
eastern floater
Chinese mystery snail
Granite Rail Quarry
Braintree Split
Fuller's Quarry
Sunday at Ponkapoag
parking lot meringue
birch conk
english ivy
sundown at Prowse Farm
Blue Hill granite porphyry
herb robert
tanks arrive, Blue Hills Reservoir
Granite Links, early winter
dolomite marble, Stockbridge Formation
blue toadflax
canadian frostweed
East Asian spindletree
snapper hatchlings
Washington hawthorn
Lovell's Island
Greene's rush
bristly sedge
nodding beggarticks
fallen cones, european larch
northern long sedge
shallow sedge
arrow arum
northern snailseed pondweed
common arrowhead
Houghton's Pond 8/25/07
hemlock varnish shelf
bayonet rush
woodland oatgrass
concealed sedge
spreading sedge
slender wood sedge
fire scar on Buck Hill
tussock sedge
yellow-fruited fox sedge
paddle to Spectacle Island
Quarry Hills at dusk
reed canary grass
ragged robin in fruit
large whorled pogonia
doublefile viburnum
Anne Marie (Hulick) Palmer
timber rattlers
deer tick bite
Arnold Arboretum 4/29/07
Milton High Jazz Night 4/24/07
flood tide at Milton Landing 4/16/07
Blue Hills Reservoir 4/8/07
smooth alder in bloom
low tide, head of Neponset Estuary
Victorian finery
winter twigs, atlantic white cedar
old leachate plume, Quincy
Blue Hills Ski Area 2/4/07
pignut hickory 1/24/07
nightfall on Blue Hill
Still River floodplain
Public hearing, Energy and Environment transition team, Deval Patrick administration
Candlewood Lake
Environmental Collaborative meeting
sterile submersed cyperid
Blue Hills Reservoir colors up
meeting at EOEA
Houghton's Pond Trail Race
seining at Buckmaster Pond
snailseed pondweed
bright green spike rush
Gay Head cliffs from below
some Aquinnah plants
coastal erosion exposes shell middens
Misty AM, Aquinnah
New Bedford to Vineyard Sound
great burdock
Blue Hills Reservoir greens up
Squaw Rock strata
Winter Wheat
Barnyard Grass
116 ft white pine