ophis: surfers rounding Stonewall Point
ophis: alternating gray clay and pale sand
ophis: scarp formed by slumping
ophis: sand cliff
ophis: rusty stratified sand
ophis: stratified sand
ophis: stratified sand
ophis: sand cone
ophis: spring sapping at base of cliff
ophis: sand-clay contact
ophis: sand/clay contact obscured by erosion
ophis: sand and resuspended clay arriving on beach
ophis: clay pillar from E
ophis: clay pillar from W
ophis: clay rubble near high water mark
ophis: stratified clay
ophis: clay icing
ophis: clay suspension crossing beach
ophis: weeping clay
ophis: clay suspension crossing beach
ophis: rough edge
ophis: slump and pooch
ophis: broken stairwell
ophis: looking W near Lucy Vincent Beach entrance
ophis: sulfur chemistry?
ophis: nodular efflorescence
ophis: resistant pale gray clay
ophis: slumping sands with veneer of till and loess
ophis: go no further
ophis: rusty cemented gravel reaches to low water mark