ophis: bare contracted panicles, bluejoint
ophis: bare contracted panicles, bluejoint
ophis: expanding stems, bluejoint
ophis: villous overlapping sheaths, bluejoint
ophis: bluish leaf blades, bluejoint
ophis: rhizome with stem and tillers, bluejoint
ophis: wet swale with bluejoint and skunk cabbage
ophis: bluejoint in fruit
ophis: bluejoint in fruit
ophis: aspens and bluejoint
ophis: bluejoint in bloom
ophis: bluejoint in bloom
ophis: bluejoint in bloom
ophis: bluejoint in bloom
ophis: panicle in bud, bluejoint
ophis: panicles in bloom, bluejoint
ophis: fertile stems, bluejoint
ophis: node and red-auricled blade, bluejoint
ophis: young red maples in bluejoint meadow
ophis: bluejoint
ophis: straw-colored stand ends abruptly at base of fill embankment, giving way to lower, still-green meadow fescue
ophis: culms densely leafy, especially near summits
ophis: terminal panicles break off in fall
ophis: sterile culms often branching above, the blades sharply keeled on undersides
ophis: contracted terminal panicles last into late September
ophis: more clumped in wetter sites
ophis: mature panicle with paired glumes concealing one-flowered spikelets, which have dense tufts of basal hairs
ophis: mature panicles held well above leaves