ophis: Lantana land grab
ophis: Lantana land grab
ophis: hill at rear to be carved and/or blasted flat
ophis: three acre clearing on W side High St
ophis: a dozen public spaces in foreground, then 8 ft fence
ophis: Komatsu PC 300 LC
ophis: cleared and grubbed; graded in foreground
ophis: south edge with stone bound
ophis: sandy till
ophis: Lantana across High St
ophis: entire three acres to be paved
ophis: 70 year old 9 inch diam white oak
ophis: truncated Smith Trail
ophis: crypt
ophis: trees were here
ophis: flat portion on S side
ophis: antenna at NE corner
ophis: bony edge
ophis: looking N along W edge
ophis: backlit high point
ophis: looking E
ophis: dug-up humus
ophis: stacked boxes
ophis: bye bye
ophis: rear of 490 High
ophis: cart this away
ophis: tracked up
ophis: prior use
ophis: where it all started
ophis: paved already