ophis: tinkering
ophis: cordgrass lining marsh at rear under siege in foreground
ophis: wave action exposes stones and perhaps moves some
ophis: looking SE
ophis: bye bye marsh
ophis: peat stripped of grass weathers gray-green
ophis: high marsh remnant
ophis: beach to south not protected by marsh
ophis: disassembly
ophis: marsh about gone
ophis: wrack line and beach grass plantation
ophis: grass hanging on
ophis: at the beach's west end, a low wave-cut scarp
ophis: sandy yellow subsoil exposed at scarp's upper end
ophis: as the scarp slopes seaward, the yellow subsoil burrows under darker topsoil developed in the same material
ophis: bleaching bones
ophis: overhang steepens as scarp sinks into sand
ophis: lowest portion scarp
ophis: overview looking NW
ophis: six years of erosion
ophis: big picture