ophis: west end, July 27
ophis: here's how it looked in June, seven wks earlier
ophis: view from west end
ophis: these two plants comprise nearly all the new growth
ophis: here's the smartweed only, growing on the north side
ophis: here they both are again
ophis: nodding smartweed on foreground knoll, both species dividing shoreline at rear
ophis: here they both are again
ophis: western ledge
ophis: here's a clue
ophis: geese breakfasting on spike rush
ophis: waterfowl like smartweeds too
ophis: maturing smartweed seeds, some with flowers removed
ophis: you are what you eat
ophis: loser
ophis: former shoreline flora
ophis: parasite
ophis: the new order
ophis: refuge
ophis: stewardship