ophis: inflorescence in bloom, tall goldenrod
ophis: red chokeberry in fruit
ophis: unnamed point, Menemsha Hills
ophis: Cape Higgon
ophis: north shore Chilmark
ophis: bony beach, Menemsha Hills
ophis: tumbledown mix
ophis: rust stripe
ophis: enigma
ophis: steeply angled sandy clay
ophis: skydrop aster
ophis: skydrop aster
ophis: sterile stems, scotch lovage
ophis: fruiting umbels, scotch lovage
ophis: scotch lovage
ophis: head in fruit, falcate golden aster
ophis: head past bloom, falcate golden aster
ophis: Roaring Brook emerging on beach
ophis: stratified sand directly beneath surficial till
ophis: string of egg cases, channeled whelk
ophis: conveyor
ophis: cliff section
ophis: clay bank and rocky point
ophis: clay bank at top of beach
ophis: phragmites rhizomes exposed by wave action
ophis: pebbles captured by eroding clay
ophis: clay exposed on beach
ophis: clay exposed on beach
ophis: small cove formed in lee of clay point
ophis: knotted wrack