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albums of FAO of the UN
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Employee Recognition Awards 2024
Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences May 19-21, 2024 Florence, Italy
Workshop on Soil Health | 17 May 2024, FAO Headquarters - Rome (Italy)
The Global Soil Doctors Programme implemented by participants of Farmer Field School in Mozambique
“Taking care of soils since 1924: introducing the IUSS Centennial Celebration” - 3 May 2024 - Sheikh Zayed Centre, FAO HQ
SoilFER: Training Workshop on Soil Sampling and Field Campaign (Tegucigalpa, Honduras), 15-18 April 2024
FAO DDG Maurizio Martina visit to Belgium
The Global Soil Doctor programme in Uzbekistan: training of trainers. March 2024
RECSOIL initiative in Costa Rica
The Global Soil Doctor Programme in Nigeria: Training of trainers
Global Soil Doctors Programme in Thailand
ITPS 20th session | 19-21 March 2024
FAO Somalia: FAO Hand-in-Hand Initiative Programme Somalia Chapter 5 to 8 March, 2024
Launch of the Zambian Soil Laboratory Network (ZASOLAN)
Global Soil Doctors Programme in Antigua and Barbuda, November 2023
Signing ceremony of the second amendment of the project "Implementation of sustainable soil management through the Soil Doctors Programme and the Global Soil Laboratory network"
FAO Brussels event Nourishing the Future: Strong Partnerships for Food Security and Better Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean
Towards soil recarbonization and implementation of sustainable soil management in Kazakhstan | 6 - 10 February 2024
Global Soil Doctor Programme in Mexico, zona Centro Occidente - 2022-23
Global Soil Doctor Programme in Mexico, zona Sur - 2022-23
Global Soil Doctor Programme in Mexico, zona Centro - 2022-23
Global Soil Doctor Programme in Mexico, zona Norte - 2022-23
Global Soil Doctor Programme in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela - 2023
Global Soil Doctor Programme in Chile - 2023
World Soil Day 2023
7th meeting of GLOSOLAN
Employee Recognition Awards 2023
Photo Contest World Soil Day 2023
Kids2kids poster drawing contest 2023
SSF Guidelines – Value chains, post-harvest and trade
EAF-Nansen Programme Mini-Symposium & Forum 2023
Training of trainers, soil doctors and farmers in sustainable soil management practices in the framework of the Global Soil Doctors Programme. Dushanbe, Tajikistan | 14-18 November 2023
In-person training on raising confidence in quality measurements from soil laboratories in Sub-Saharan Africa
The FAO-UNDP SCALA Mid-term Exchange Workshop
SoilFER Project High-Level Signature Event
World Food Forum 2023 - DAY 5
Signing Ceremony of Partnership Agreements. FAO Science and Innovation Forum 2023
World Food Forum 2023 - DAY 4
World Food Forum 2023 - DAY 3
World Food Forum 2023 - DAY 2
World Food Day (WFD) celebrations in Belgium
World Food Day (WFD) celebrations in Geneva
World Food Day (WFD) event at the New York Botanical Garden
Concert and Global Youth Forum Opening
WFF, WFD, Science and Innovation Forum Exhibition Opening
World Food Forum 2023 Grand opening
WFD Around the World 2023
Global Soil Doctors Programme in Laos
Global Symposium on Soils and Water
From seed to cup: Supporting Indigenous coffee producers in Panama
World Food Safety Day 2023 - Events around the world
SSF Guidelines – Food security and nutrition
FISH4ACP Nigeria
RECSOIL training in Togo - 24-28 July 2023
Research vessel Dr Fridtjof Nansen in Mozambique
GSP Plenary Assembly 11th session | 12-14 July 2023
SSF Guidelines – Gender equity and equality
Managing salt-affected soils for sustainable future | 22 – 26 May 2023 | Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
SSF Guidelines - Inland Fisheries
Global Soil Nutrient and Soil Nutrient Budget Map (GSNmap): regional online trainings on digital soil mapping (2022-2023)
Soil Doctor training in Chile
First RECSOIL training in Togo
Soil Doctor training in Togo
The International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis (ISSPA)
Handover ceremony at the FAO Offices in Kampala, Uganda
Strengthening Agricultural Adaptation (SAGA) Closing Workshop | Working groups (23-24 March 2023)
GSB Conference | Dublin - March 2023
SAGA Photo exhibit, Poster Competition and Honey Tasting
Strengthening Agricultural Adaptation (SAGA) Closing Workshop (22-24 March 2023)
18th Working Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) | 21 - 23 March 2023
Enhancing national climate actions to reduce methane emissions in livestock systems in Asia and the Pacific in the context of the Global Methane Pledge
Training workshop for reporting soil Carbon Stock Change in national greenhouse gas inventories
Les partenaires du projet SAGA, 'Sécurité Alimentaire: une agriculture adaptée' accueillent Mme la ministre Martine Biron
Director-General's Address and Year25 ceremony awardees
World Soil Day in Djibouti | 11-14 December 2022
World Soil Day 2022 in Georgia
FISH4ACP Zimbabwe
FISH4ACP The Gambia
FISH4ACP Dominican Republic
From soil to plate contest | World Soil Day 2022
World Soil Day 2022
Employee Recognition Awards 2022
Kids2kids poster drawing contest
Kids2Kids poster drawing contest
Boosting responsible investment in agriculture and food systems in Africa – good practices to #buildbackbetter
Global Soil Doctors Programme
Sustainable tuna fishing in the Maldives
Global South-South Development (GSSD) Expo. 12-14 September, 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture | Closing workshop
Mission d'appui pour la documentation des réalisations et promotion des bonnes pratiques sur les Urgences et la Résilience au Tchad ( Mayo Kebi, Lac et Kanem) - Aout 202
Strengthening soil analysis and information systems in Liberia
Workshop on the tools of the Global Soil Partnership in support to the Central Asia countries initiative for Land Management | CACILM-2
Photocontest #Soils4Nutrition
Building the capacities of soil laboratories in the Republic of the Sudan
22nd World Congress of Soil Science, Glasgow
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture water productivity
Advancing the capacities of Ugandan experts on digital soil mapping
Coastal Fisheries Initiative Latin America (CFI-LA)
Coastal Fisheries Initiative West Africa (CFI-WA) - Senegal
Coastal Fisheries Initiative (CFI) Indonesia
Sustainable soil management for nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia
Formation des jeunes aquapreneurs sur les techniques de production aquacoles intensives au Gabon
Valorisation des produits forestiers non ligneux_Togo
Renforcement de la résilience des ménages affectés par l'inondation dans le Nord -Togo
Aménagement de la retenue d'eau de Guérin Kouka au Togo
Appui au maraichage et à la promotion de la transformation locale au Togo
Appui au secteur de la pêche au Togo
Restauration des écosystèmes de mangroves le long du littoral togolais
Appui au développement de l'aviculture familiale au Gabon
Life below Water: Progress toward SDG 14 and Way Forward event during Expo Dubai 2020
Asian Soil Partnership (ASP) | 7th Plenary meeting
GLOSOLAN proficiency test 2021-2022
GLOSOLAN - 5th meeting
Director-General Address and Year 25 Ceremony
Modeling and mapping the Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential (GSOCseq)
FISH4ACP Senegal
FISH4ACP Marshall Islands
World Soil Day 2021
Launch of the International Network on Soil Biodiversity (NETSOB)
Headquarters - Last day in 2021
FISH4ACP Cameroon
FISH4ACP Tanzania
FISH4ACP Côte d'Ivoire
Employee Recognition Awards 2021
AFACI - Training on National Soil Databases and Soil Property Mapping
INSII | 7th Working session
World Soil Day 2021 | Worldwide events
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste 2021 celebrations around the world
GSPPAIX | 9th Plenary Assembly of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP)
Spraying desert locusts in Tajikistan’s Khatlon region
International Forum on Black Soil Conservation and Utilization 2021
Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) | 14th working session
African Soil Partnership | 5th plenary meeting
International Network of Fertilizers Analysis (INFA) | Second meeting
Launch of the modernization of the William’s Soil Agronomic Museum
INSAS | International Network of Salt-affected Soils - 1st meeting
FAO supports sustainable and innovative aquaculture in the UAE
2020 World Soil Day Award Ceremony
FAO in Djibouti
Heart and Soil | Art, Seminar and Children Labs
Asian Soil Partnership | 6th meeting
Sustainable soil management for nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia
Asia-Pacific Feb 2021 RMM
World Soil Day celebrations 2020
Water Saving Technologies in Uzbekistan
Locust Management
Apiculture Productivity
Empowering Rural Women
Seed Sector Development
Managing Mountain Watersheds
Capacity Dev in Food Safety
Cattle Production
Conservation Agriculture
FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme at work
Day 1 - FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme (FTPP) photo exhibit
FAO Subregional office for the GCC states and Yemen, RTI Inception workshop
World Soil Day 2020 celebrations | Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM-2)
International Network of Fertilizers Analysis (INFA) | Launch meeting
Soil Atlas of Asia | 4th Editorial Board meeting
Employee Recognition Awards 2020
Regional training for modelling and mapping SOC sequestration potential in Eurasia. Module I
Clubs conseil en santé des sols au Sénégal (Projet SAGA) / Soil health advisory clubs in Senegal (SAGA project)
Gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles au Sénégal (Projet SAGA) / Community management of natural resources in Senegal (SAGA project)
Global Soil Laboratory Network | 4th meeting
World Soil Day 2017 | Official Celebration at FAO
Global Soil Partnership - Heart and Soil Art Exhibition
Global Soil Partnership - Heart and Soil | Celebration at FAO
Global Soil Partnership - Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon (GSOC17)
Global Soil Partnership - 5th Plenary Assembly
Global Soil Partnership - Development of applications for new technologies in field soil survey
World Soil Day 2015 | Official Celebration at FAO
World Soil Day 2016 | Official Celebration at FAO
World Soil Day 2012 | Celebration at FAO
GSOCseq trainings - Modelling Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential
Agriculture in times of Covid-19 in North Macedonia
World Food Day celebration in Wau, South Sudan
LATSOLAN | 3rd meeting
Soil biodiversity photo and video contest
GLOSOLAN Plenary on Spectroscopy
Third Asian Soil Laboratory network (SEALNET) meeting
CasaMiel: Améliorer les conditions de vie des productrices et producteurs de miel en Casamance, face au changement climatique (projet SAGA)
Gestion durable des ressources eau et bois sur le plateau de Thiès au Sénégal (Projet SAGA) / Sustainable management of water and wood resources on the Thies plateau in Senegal (SAGA project)
Soils4Nutrition - Malawi
Soils4Nutrition - Burkina Faso
Soil4Nutrition - Bangladesh
Consultation nationale multi-acteurs sur le changement climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition au Sénégal / National multi-stakeholder consultation on climate change, food security and nutrition in Senegal
Lancement officiel de la composante Sénégal du projet 'Sécurité Alimentaire: une Agriculture adaptée' (SAGA-Sénégal) / Official launch of the Senegal component of the 'Strenghtening AGricultural Adaptation' project (SAGA-Senegal)
Champs-écoles des producteurs (CEP) pour renforcer la résilience des populations du Léhar au Sénégal (Projet SAGA) / Farmer Field Schools (FFS) to strengthen the resilience of the Lehar population in Senegal (SAGA project)
Champs-écoles de productrices - Genre (CEP-G) pour renforcer la résilience des productrices de Kaolack au Sénégal / Farmer Field School - Gender (FFS-G) to strengthen the resilience of women farmers in Kaolack, Senegal (SAGA project)
Jardin Intégré de Résilience (JIR) dans la commune d'Oudalaye au Sénégal (Projet SAGA)/ Resilience Integrated Garden (JIR) in the Oudalaye commune in Senegal (SAGA project)
The 4th SEALNET meeting
Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Lebanon 2016-2019
Growing Egypt's wheat supply
Pastoralist Livelihoods and Education Field Schools (PLEFS), Yirol, Lakes State
Seeds distribution in Northern Bari Payam, Central Equatoria, South Sudan
Learning Programme “Creating an enabling environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems”
Workshop to develop the capacities of youth in Malawi to engage in responsible agricultural investment
INSAS | The International Network of Salt-affected Soils
Global Soil Doctors Programme in Colombia
Fishing for innovations in Peru
Travaux de la 26e session de l'AFCAS à Libreville
Peace and Food Security: two imperatives for Africa’s development
Eurasian Soil Partnership | 5th Plenary Meeting
2019 Employee Recognition Initiative
I EUROSOLAN meeting | Eurasian Soil Laboratory Network
ITPS | 11th Working Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils
Worldwide events - WSD 2019
Travaux de la 12e Réunion du MDT FAO Afrique centrale
World Food Day Celebration in Gabon
Greening the future photo challenge
FAO in New York
Launch of INSAS | International Network of Salt-Affected Soils
ASPAC | Pacific network of soil laboratories
World Food Day Celebration
Poverty and hunger are on the rise despite economic progress
New post-harvest fishing technology transforming lives of women and young people in Africa
GLOSOLAN | Global Soil Laboratory Network: 3rd meeting
XXII Latin American Soil Congress
International Network of Soil Information Institutions : 5th working session
2e session du Comité des Pêches pour l’Atlantique Centre- Est (COPACE)
African Green Revolution Forum
Seed fairs organized under the SAFER project in South Sudan
Les potentiels de l’agroécologie pour faire face au changement climatique et pour renforcer la résilience des moyens de subsistance au Sénégal
ITPS | 10th Working Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils
Soil Atlas of Asia
Biosaline agriculture as an approach for combating salinity in marginal agricultural systems
Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Latina America and the Caribbean Soil Partnership
Seventh Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly
Groupe thématique et journée portes ouvertes sur les femmes et chaînes de valeurs agricoles
Green Climate Fund (GCF) workshop
Ukraine, FAO unite to save healthy soil
Field Visit to Ndiama Peulh, Senegal
International Day for Biological Diversity
AfriLAB: Regional Soil Laboratory Network for Africa | First meeting
GSER19 | Global Symposium on Soil Erosion
Sustainable Agriculture for Economic Recovery program - Wau, South Sudan
Atelier de formation pratique sur la fabrication de rejets de banane par la technique du PIF aux femmes de la Remboué et l'installation du germoir ( coopérative COOZUMA) du 28 au 31 mars 2019, Gabon
International Training on Digital Soil Property Mapping and Information Delivery
Kickoff meeting on PESCAO (CECAF) project
Second LATSOLAN meeting
About the establishment of the Thai Soil Partnership (TSP)
Beating Famine Conference 2019
Atelier sous-régional pour le renforcement des capacités sur la promotion de l'entrepreneuriat et l'employabilité des jeunes dans les chaînes de valeur agricoles en Afrique centrale. Libreville ,10-12 Avril 2019Célébration de la Journée internationale des
The 5th Near East and North Africa (NENA) Soil Partnership meeting
Capacity-development workshop on responsible investment in agriculture for Parliamentarians of Guatemala and the Dominican Republic and their advisors
ForwARD at EvalColombo 2018
African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) 9th International Conference
Learning programme ”Creating an enabling environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems”, Dakar
6th European Soil Partnership Plenary meeting
Responsible Business Forum 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
Célébration de la Journée internationale des forêts 2019 au Gabon
Celebration of International Day of Forests in Liberia
Sustainable Agriculture for Economic Resiliency (SAFER) in South Sudan
The National Soil Information and Land Suitability Evaluation System for Cambodia
Dinka Malual and Reizigat Pre-migration Peace Conference Nyamlel, South Sudan.
FAO-Thiaroye Technique( FTT) project in Ghana
Photo Contest Indigenous Women of Africa and Food Security
Hands on the Ground! Success stories from WSD2018
2nd ASP workshop, May 2015
Latest news from ICAR, New Delhi
Capacity assessment workshop "Strenghtening capacities of youth to implement and benefit from responsible investment in agriculture"
11e Réunion de l'Equipe multidisciplianire du Bureau Sous-régional pour l'Afrique centrale sous le thème « jeunesse, genre et agriculture en Afrique centrale ». Libreville, du 25 au 27 septembre 2018.
International Symposium on Contract Farming and other Inclusive Business Models, November 2018
Workshop on responsible investments in agriculture for Guatemalan and Dominican Republic Parliamentarians. December 2018
Rencontre entre le Représentant de la FAO au Gabon et le Ministre de la Mer et de la Pêche
Rencontre entre le Représentant de la FAO au Gabon et le Ministre de l'Agriculture - 14 Nov 2018
FAO Future Smart Food event and display at the IFPRI-FAO Global Event on Acclerating the End to Hunger and Malnutriton, 28-30 November 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.
World Soil Day 2018: events around the world
Multi-Stakeholder consultation on the improvement of the meat inspection system in Ghana
Global Soil Laboratory Network: the II meeting
The II SEALNET meeting
Célébration de la Journée mondiale des Sols 2018 au Gabon entre la FAO, le Ministère de l'Agriculture et l'Université Omar Bongo sur fond de sensibilisation
International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII) - 4th Working Session
FAO in Malawi
World Food Day Celebration at FAO Regional Office for Africa. #WFD2018
Célébration de la Journée mondiale de l'alimentation au Gabon le 16 Octobre 2018 entre la FAO et le Ministère de l'Agriculture sur fond de sensibilisation
Be part of the picture!
The new Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) at work on global soils
Eight ITPS Working Session
Constitution of the Spanish Parliamentary Alliance in favour of Right to Food
International Symposium on Black Soils (ISBS18): Protect Black Soils, Invest in the Future
Training workshops on digital soil mapping
Quinta Reunión Ordinaria de la Alianza Sudamericana por el Suelo
Regional Workshop: The Use of Soil Data for Decision-Making and Planning in Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean: The Latin American and Caribbean Soil Information System (SISLAC) Roadmap
The Global Soil Partnership at the 21st World Congress of Soil Science
Rescatando el pasado y el futuro
Célébration en différée de la Journée Internationale des Coopératives au Gabon 27 juillet 2018
Visite du Coordonnateur du Bureau sous-régional pour l’Afrique centrale et Représentant de la FAO au Gabon, Hélder Muteia dans les provinces du Woleu-Ntem et du Moyen-Ogooué
The 4th Asian Soil Partnership (ASP) workshop
GSP Plenary Assembly - Sixth Session
GSP Plenary Assembly - Sixth Session
GSP Plenary Assembly - Sixth Session
GSP Plenary Assembly - Sixth Session
GSP Plenary Assembly - Sixth Session
FAO Myanmar
LATSOLAN | The Latin American Network of Soil Laboratories
Estado actual de la Alianza Regional para Centro América, México y el Caribe: mirando al futuro
The Global Symposium on Soil Pollution - GSOP18
Rising needs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Editorial Board of the Soil Atlas of Asia
Integrated agri-aquaculture farms in the Near East and North Africa Region
South Sudan: biggest livestock vaccination underway in the country’s greatest times of need
The 5th European Soil Partnership meeting
Combatting malnutrition in Mozambique through home gardens
Digital Soil Mapping training in Iran
Women in fishing in Rwanda
FAO 40th Anniversary in the Philippines: The Early Years
Mexico’s Guatemalan refugees: where are they now?
Climate change adaptation in wetland areas in Lao PDR (CAWA project)
Fall Armyworm in Cabo Verde
Fall armyworm
Final evaluation of the project "Integrating climate resilience in agricultural production for food security in rural areas of Mali"
Floating cages, hidden treasures: smart fish farming in Guinea-Bissau
#WhenSoilsTurnBlack - Photocontest on black soils
Farmer Field Schools from around the world
World Soil Day 2017 events around the world
Conservation agriculture in Kenya
Desarrollo de capacidades para los sistemas de innovación agrícola en Guatemala
Bosques y desarrollo
NADHALI project in Nairobi, Dahka and Lima
South-East Asia Laboratory Network (SEALNET) 1st meeting
Photos from FAO Employees
High-level event to commemorate the VGGT 5th anniversary
Salon de Gouts et Terroirs 2017
World Soil Day 2017 - Celebrations at FAO HQ, Rome
II Jornada ONU para el impulso de la Agenda 2030: El Decenio de Acción sobre la Nutrición y su implementación en España
Seventh working session for the second panel of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS)
Third Workshop of the International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII)
First meeting of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN)
La FAO celebra el Día de la ONU en Madrid
Jornada del Día Mundial de la Alimentación 2017 en Madrid
Celebración del Día del Medioambiente en Madrid
Taller para la constitución del ODA-España
Entrega Reconocimiento especial al Programa MICCA de la FAO
Conferencia contra el Hambre, Madrid
Visita Delegación Frente Parlamentario contra el Hambre de ALC
Evaluation of FAO's programme in West Bank and Gaza Strip
Dynamic conservation and sustainable use of agro-biodiversity in the Philippines
GSOCmap Training in Izmir, Turkey, August 2017
TCP launch on capacity-building and soil information in Montevideo
Impulsando el empleo juvenil rural decente en Guatemala
Centros de procesamiento de minivegetales en Guatemala
Fortalecimiento la resiliencia de productores de café a pequeña escala en Guatemala
FAO empowers refugees and host communities in DRC to recover their livelihoods
FAO Analysis and Mapping of Impacts under Climate Change for Adaptation and Food Security (AMICAF) project in the Philippines
Livelihood Food Security Programme (LFSP) Zimbabwe
GSOC mapping on-the-job Workshop
GSOC mapping Training
European Soil Partnership (ESP) 4th Plenary Meeting
Global Soil Partnership 5th Plenary Assembly
Improving water access, agricultural production and nutrition in Altavas, Aklan
FAO response to the livelihood recovery need of typhoon-hit farming communities in Luzon, Philippines
Commission de lutte contre le Criquet pèlerin dans la région occidentale
Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries
International Conference on Blue Growth and Economy in S. Vicente Island, Cabo Verde
Fall and African armyworms
Manejo y crianza de aves de corral en Guatemala
Tecnologías ahorradoras de tiempo para las mujeres en Guatemala / Time-saving technology for rural women in Guatemala
Digital Soil Organic Carbon Mapping: towards the development of national soil organic carbon stock maps
Photo exhibition "I am a leader, woman, indigenous and producer "
The International Network of Black Soils
FAO and New Zealand restore agricultural livelihoods in Central Mindanao
Sixth ITPS working session
Rebuilding farming livelihoods in Pakistan’s FATA
Pastoralist Knowledge Hub’s Partners’ Meeting
FAO in Gambia
Adapting small-scale irrigation to climate change in West and Central Africa (AICCA)
Street food vendors in Accra
Field Visit to Rulindo, model for sustainable food & agricultural practices, and Regional Workshop in Africa 2016
Rural women
FAO helps Benin to combat forest crime and boost local economies
Livelihood recovery support in Cotabato Province, Mindanao, Philippines
Distribution of agricultural inputs and livestock in the conflict and disaster-prone areas of Myanmar
The Third Asian Soil Partnership Workshop: towards a regional implementation plan for Asia
Worldwide Celebrations on WSD 2016
Second Workshop of the International Network of Soil Information Institutions
World Soil Day 2016
FAO in Namibia
Regional Dialogue for Europe and Central Asia, International Year of Pulses 2016
Support to Enhancing Development of Commercial Aquaculture in Rwanda
Improving food and nutrition security in the Philippines
9th Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Global Workshop for National Coordinators for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources
Side event on animal genetic resources in different regions of the world
FAO expands El Niño response in the Philippines
FAO promotes healthy diets through nutrition education training
COAG25 - Side event 8 - Sustainable livestock – what are the choices?
COAG25 - Side event 7 - Incentives for sustainable agriculture and the role of smart soil and water information album
COAG25 - Side event 5 - Recognizing the role of Agricultural Heritage Systems in sustainable agriculture and rural development (GIAHS)
COAG25 - Side event 6 - Antimicrobial resistance: Global implications
COAG25 - Side event 4 - Promoting an International Year of Plant Health in 2020
COAG25 - Side event 3 - High-level event
COAG25 - Side event 2 Harnessing biodiversity for sustainable agriculture in a changing world
COAG25 - Exhibit in the Atrium
COAG25 - Side event 1 - Food security and sustainable agriculture in the 2030 Agenda
COAG25 - Speakers' Corner
COAG25 - Plenary
‘World Food Day 2016: Children’s Poster Competition’ in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Pastoralism and Transhumance Platform of the Central African Republic
FAO en Guatemala - Programa de Alimentación Escolar
Supporting fisherfolk improve livelihoods in the Philippines
Regional Workshop on Sustainable Soil Management, June 2016
Sistemas de riego en Guatemala
The Global Soil Partnership- 4th Plenar Assembly, 23-25 May 2016
FAO - UNOCHA Project in Syria
UNCT & GRZ Bilateral Meeting
FAO-Social Protection Seminar, Lsk, Zambia
Leadership School of Indigenous Women in the Philippines
Improving livelihoods of pastoralists in Angola
FAO in Guatemala
FAO - DFID Project in Syria
FAO in Equatorial Guinea
Supporting conflict-affected communities in northern Rakhine
Promoting aquaculture for food security and employment in Haiti
Culinary Event International Year of Pulses
Africa Solidarity Trust Fund
Soils and pulses, symbiosis for life
Post-flood recovery in rural Myanmar
Land degradation in the Kagera basin
Supporting food security and livelihoods in rural and peri-urban areas in Syria
Atelier régional sur le développement durable du pastoralisme et d’élevage en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
eLocust3 in Eritrea
FAO in Eritrea
Rural women in Myanmar
FAO in Tunisia
EU Ambassador to Zambia visits CASU Lead Farmers in Kapiri Mposhi
FAO in Mauritania
FSN Forum Workshop. FSN Forum policy dialogues: contributing to food security and nutrition policy processed the country and regional level
North African and West Asian pastoralists meeting
Central Asian pastoralist gathering of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub
FAO in Honduras
International Year of Pulses
Pastoralist session during Indigenous Terra Madre 2015
South East Asian pastoralist gathering of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub, March 2015 - Gujarat, India
European pastoralist gathering of the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub - June 2015 - Koblenz, Germany
Basic biosecurity standards for small and medium scale parent flock farms and hatcheries
Street food vendors in Bangladesh
FAO begins deploying “fish magnets” to help Somali coastal communities
FAO in Somalia
Oyster mushroom production in Lao PDR
Global Information and Early Warning System GIEWS
FAO in Indonesia
RBAs joint project on post-harvest losses, a workshop in Jinja, Uganda
FAO in Tajikistan
FAO South-South and Triangular Cooperation
FAO in Vietnam
Internally displaced persons Syria
Dairy Value Chain in Uganda
Field visit to Halaba, Hamaraya (Ethiopia)
FAO in the Pacific Islands
FAO interventions help raise women’s status and up poultry rearing in India
FAO in India
FAO-Eataly event on soils and quinoa
Social Protection
Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
FAO Regional Office for Africa
National Conservation Agriculture Task Force (NCATF) Validation Meeting
Livestock management knowledge sharing in Zimbabwe
Capacity Development Workshop for Fruit Flies Database Management System for SADC Member Countries
BF Launching WS on food loss reduction
One Third Photo Exhibition 15-19 October 2012
Improving child nutrition in Cambodia
FAO Indigenous peoples
FAO in Indonesia
FAO in Turkey
FAO in Nepal
Uganda RBAs on food loss reduction project launching workshop
FAO in Vanuatu
FAO in Laos
Strategic Objective 4
CASU Field Mission to Southern Province
Malawi: nutrition education for better complementary feeding during the first 1000 days of children
RBA/GLO/001/SWI Launching WS in DRC
Global Action on Pollination Services
FAO Sub-regional Office for Eastern Africa