FAO of the UN: Sustainable land management in forest margins Description: On the way home from maintaining and harvesting the garden in the forest, South Pentecost Island, Vanuatu
FAO of the UN: Sustainable use of biodiversity Description: Eco-tourism on Lake Letas with Mt Garat active volcano in background. On Gaua Island, northern Vanuatu
FAO of the UN: Capacity building in biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management Description: Awareness and capacity building with villagers of Masliliu, Gaua Island, Vanuatu
FAO of the UN: Mechanisms for sustainable protected area financing Description: Tree fern, Erromango Island, Vanuatu
FAO of the UN: Protected Area Network extended and consolidated Description: Stream for overflow of Lake Letas in tropical rain forest on Gaua Island, Vanuatu
FAO of the UN: Giant of Kauri Forest, Erromango Island, Vanuatu
FAO of the UN: Vanuatu women
FAO of the UN: Vanuatu
FAO of the UN: Children in Vanuatu