FAO of the UN:
Ambassador Terri Sarch, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom
FAO of the UN:
Ambassador Hinrich Thoelken, Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany
FAO of the UN:
Dr Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General, Coordinator for Natural Resources, FAO
FAO of the UN:
Side event #6: Antimicrobial resistance: Global implications
FAO of the UN:
Dr Keiji Fukuda, Assistant Director General
FAO of the UN:
Side event #6: Antimicrobial resistance: Global implications
FAO of the UN:
Side event #6: Antimicrobial resistance: Global implications
FAO of the UN:
Side event #6: Antimicrobial resistance: Global implications
FAO of the UN:
Side event #6: Antimicrobial resistance: Global implications
FAO of the UN:
Side event #6: Antimicrobial resistance: Global implications