FAO of the UN: Meeting with local community stakeholders during the baseline survey in Diffa, Niger in Feb 2022 ©FAO Tankari Moussa
FAO of the UN: An enumerator and a potential project beneficiary during the baseline survey in Diffa, Niger in Feb 2022 ©FAO Tankari Moussa
FAO of the UN: Focused group discussions with local stakeholders during an initial field visit in Inhambane province Sept 2021 ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: Focused group discussion with rice producers during an initial field visit in Dangbo, Benin in Oct 2021
FAO of the UN: Enumerators conducting the baseline survey in Ribaue, Mozambique in Feb 2022 ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: Children returning from water collection in a village in Erati, Nampula province in Feb 2022 ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: Baseline data collection in Inhambane, Mozambique in Feb 2022. ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: An enumerator collecting field data with a farmer in Inhambane province, Mozambique in Feb 2022 ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: An enumerator collecting baseline data with the female head of the household in Diffa, Niger in Feb 2022 ©FAO Tankari Moussa
FAO of the UN: A supervisor training enumerators for the baseline survey in Nampula province Mozambique in Feb 2022 ©FAO Rogério Rafael Mozambique
FAO of the UN: Sandy landscapes in the potential target area in Diffa, Niger Dec 2021©FAO Tankari Moussa
FAO of the UN: Mushroom preparation in a traditional cooking pot Feb 2022 ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: Interview with an input dealer during an initial field visit in Ouando Portonovo, Benin in Oct 2021 ©FAO Irene Djenontin
FAO of the UN: Interview with an input dealer during an initial field visit in Lokossa, Benin. Oct 2021 ©FAO Irene Djenontin
FAO of the UN: Group photo with the physical participants during the inception workshop in Jordan in May 2022 ©FAO Dima Alkhayyat
FAO of the UN: Participants during the inception workshop in Egypt Jun 2022 ©FAO Naglaa Elbendary
FAO of the UN: Focused group discussions with maize producers during an initial field visit in Lokossa, Benin in Oct 2021 ©FAO Irene Djenontin
FAO of the UN: Focused group discussions with local stakeholders during an initial field visit in Ribaue district, Nampula province Sept 2021 ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: An enumerator collecting baseline data with a farmer in Vilanculos district, Inhambane province, Mozambique in Feb 2022 ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: Vegetable field visit during an initial field visit to in Dangbo, Benin in Oct 2021 ©FAO Irene Djenontin
FAO of the UN: Mushroom preparation (drying) Feb 2022 ©FAO Rogério Rafael
FAO of the UN: Meeting with local community stakeholders during the baseline survey in Diffa, Niger in Feb 2022 ©FAO Tankari Moussa.
FAO of the UN: Irrigated crop fields in Kassantia, Diffa, Niger in Jan 2022 ©FAO Tankari Moussa
FAO of the UN: Introduction of the Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture Water Productivity project to local stakeholders in Diffa Niger in Dec 2021©FAO Tankari Moussa