FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
Agriculture and forestry, Nepal
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
Collecting firewood in Nepal
FAO of the UN:
Forest, Nepal
FAO of the UN:
Forest, Nepal
FAO of the UN:
Forest, Nepal
FAO of the UN:
Ploughing the field
FAO of the UN:
Women carrying cardamom plants for plantation in the lease land Riyale Kavrepalanchok district
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
2014-03-29 09.48.52
FAO of the UN:
2014-03-29 17.29.14
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
Rural women
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
Group Meeting 2
FAO of the UN:
FAO of the UN:
Discussion with rural women
FAO of the UN:
Discussion with rural women
FAO of the UN:
Happy farmer
FAO of the UN:
Discussion with women
FAO of the UN:
Peeling Argheli twigs in Shiva Panchthar
FAO of the UN:
Tejpat Nursery Mityal
FAO of the UN:
Users weeding operation, Hupsekot Nawalparasi