FAO of the UN: YUNGA in Indonesia
FAO of the UN: Salak tree from Plantation
FAO of the UN: IVM Launching
FAO of the UN: Poultry Farm
FAO of the UN: Rabies Vaccination in Bali
FAO of the UN: Selecting Salak Organic
FAO of the UN: Making salt
FAO of the UN: Durian Fruit Seller
FAO of the UN: Crab fish farmers
FAO of the UN: Galle fish market
FAO of the UN: Sharing results
FAO of the UN: Cattle were brought by farmers to the pens near demo-plot in North Pagai, Mentawai
FAO of the UN: OrganicBuyer
FAO of the UN: Duck seller in a market (2008)
FAO of the UN: Hobby birds and owner โ€“ Bali, Indonesia (2009)
FAO of the UN: A child with his dog after rabies vaccination (Buleleng, 2014)
FAO of the UN: Father and daughter with their puppy after rabies vaccination (Bali, 2011)
FAO of the UN: children of farmer benefeciary showing his harvested fish - Telefood
FAO of the UN: famer benefeciary showing his harvested mushroom -Telefood Binangun
FAO of the UN: FAO staff handing over the goat procured to benefeciaries under Telefood project - Bogor
FAO of the UN: farmer benefeciaries and goats provided under Telefood programme - west java
FAO of the UN: farmer benefeciaries practicing using pedal thresher under TCPINS3302
FAO of the UN: farmer benefeciary and bee keeping - Telefood Bondowoso
FAO of the UN: farmer benefeciary harvesting california papaya and ready to selling them to cooperative- bogor
FAO of the UN: students benefeciaries harvesting vegetables growth supported by Telefood on school garden - west nusa tenggara
FAO of the UN: students benefeciaries pouring chicken feeding under Telefood school garden - west nusa tenggara
FAO of the UN: students harvesting fish in fish pond supported by FAO through Telefood on school garden-west nusa tenggara
FAO of the UN: students showing his harvested fish under telelfood school garden-west nusa tenggara
FAO of the UN: the government partner is observing the flies on california papaya -telefood bogor
FAO of the UN: wife of farmer benefeciary is packaging mushroom for selling - Telefood Binangun