FAO of the UN:
Boy on fishing boat at Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Fisherman on Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Fishermen catching perch
FAO of the UN:
Fihsing sprat at night on Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Fishermen pull their nets
FAO of the UN:
Night fishing at Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Women buying fish on shore of Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Unloading fish on shore of Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Fisherman bring in fresh sprat
FAO of the UN:
Offloading sprat on shore of Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Man carrying fresh sprat
FAO of the UN:
Women buying sprat on shore of Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
woman prepares fresh percWoman prepared perch fromLake Tanganyika to be smoked
FAO of the UN:
Woman smoking perch from Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Woman putting sprak to dry
FAO of the UN:
Drying platfrom for sprat
FAO of the UN:
Packaging dry sprak for exports
FAO of the UN:
Weighing dry sprak for exports
FAO of the UN:
Serving perch from Lake Tanganyika
FAO of the UN:
Fishermen catching fresh perch