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albums of ESA_events
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Sentinel-2C Launch at ESA/ESOC
Sentinel-1C Launch at ESA/ESOC
EarthCARE Launch and Launch Event at ESA/ESOC
Hera Launch and Launch Event at ESA/ESOC
ARTES Final Presentation Days 2024
Industry Space Days 2024
Our Ocean from Space: a journey into Earth’s marine ecosystems
ESA Open Day at ESTEC for people with a disability
ESA Open Day at ESTEC 2023
ESA Open Day at ESRIN 2023
Artemis II crew visit Airbus European Service Module assembly hall
European CanSat Competition 2023
Aeolus reentry
Artemis I lunar flyby
Iconic Ariane 5 moments
Artemis I – European Service Module-1 – ESTEC victory tour
Concordia DC19
European Service Module Mission Evaluation Room
Artemis I
European Researchs Night 2022 ESRIN
Art for Artemis
ESA Open Days 2022
ESA/Omega Marstimer launch event
Industry Space Days 2022
2022 European CanSat Competition
Living Planet Symposium 2022
Concordia DC17
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, EUt+ and ESA intensify cooperation
ESA Space Safety Centre
Space Resources Challenge
Future ESA HQ: Works in Progress (Various)
Poster set: Incredible Adventures of the Hera mission
New ESA HQ: Works in progress (rue Mario Nikis)
New ESA HQ: Works in progress (rue Grisel)
Sentinel-6 launch at Mission control
SEOSAT-Ingenio launch
Concordia DC16
Solar Orbiter launch
Luca Parmitano Beyond mission
Mission Beyond Spacewalks
Hurricane Dorian
ESA Open Day Spain 2019
The Burn
Sonntag im All: Sunday in Space
'Space data' conference 2019
ESA Autumn Teacher Workshop 2019
European Researchers' Night at ESA-ESRIN
ESA Open Day NL 2019
Walk of Space, Noordwijk
ESA Spacerocks 2, 21 September 2019
Take me to the Moon-Veranstaltung am 16. Juli 2019 im ESOC in Darmstadt
ESA Summer Teacher Workshop 2019
2019 European CanSat Competition
Concordia DC15
Living Planet Symposium 2019
ESA at FedCon 2019
World Club Dome Space Edition June 2019
LPS 2019 Climate Detectives School Award
ESA Open Days at ESRIN
Aurora Hunters in Tromsø
Rosetta replica at ESOC
ESA NEO and Debris Detection Conference
Alexander Gerst arrives at Cologne after second spaceflight
ESA's EO campaigns
First Lego league
European Spacetalks at Frankfurt Airport 24.11.2018
ESEO, the European Student Earth Orbiter
Fly Your Thesis! 2018
MetOp launch campaigns
ESA Autumn Teacher Workshop
Space for Inspiration
BepiColombo launch
ESA Open Day 2018
Luca Parmitano Mission name and patch presentation
ESRIN 50 years
European Researchers Night 2018
CHEOPS Science Team & Consortium members visit to satellite
Concordia DC14
Aeolus launch at ESA mission control
Aeolus launch campaign
ESA Summer Teacher Workshop 2018
European CanSat Competition 2018
50 years of ESEC
Official Opening ISU 2018 Space Studies Program
Sentinel-3B launch
Space Rocks, London
Mars Sample Return conference
Sentinel-3 launch campaign
Horizons news conference
50 years of ESTEC
Mirrored Painting
ESRIN Open Days 2018
BepiColombo engineering model
Sentinel-3B training
Columbus and ATV 10th anniversary
Atmosphere–Space Interactions Monitor – ASIM
Educational Inflight Call with Paolo Nespoli - 4 December 2017
New Norcia solar upgrade
ESA Autumn Teacher Workshop 2017
ESA-ESTEC Open Day 2017
Science day at Centralstation, Darmstadt, Germany
Sentinel-5P launch campaign
ESA-ESRIN European Researchers' Night 2017
VIPs visit New Norcia
Space App Camp 2017
#ESOC50 Long Night of the Stars
Sentinel 5P launch at ESOC
Weightless wishes
Concordia DC13
LISA Pathfinder End Of Mission
ESOC celebrates 50 years
Sentinel-5P at ESOC
ESA Summer Teacher Workshop 2017
2017 European CanSat competition
LISA Pathfinder at ESOC
ESA Innovation Exchange – Fuel The Future
Space Debris 2017
C'è spazio per tutti – Romics 2017
art&science@ESA residency
SPAC3 EVENT – Paolo Nespoli e Michelangelo Pistoletto
ESA-ESRIN Open Days 6-10 March 2017
Sentinel-2 launch campaign
Zero Robotics High School Tournament 2016
Sentinel-2A launch
Sentinel-2B Sim training
Back in the MCR with XMM
Copernicus Masters 2016
ExoMars Arrival Media Briefing
ExoMars arrival
ExoMars Landing & Orbit Entry
ExoMars separation
Cebreros transmits to the stars
Rosetta EQM shutdown
ESA Teacher conference 1-2 October 2016
ESA-ESRIN Researchers' Night 2016
ESA-ESTEC Open Day 2016
Rosetta's Grand Finale
ESA at New Scientist Live
Training at ESOC for ExoMars
Space for Inspiration
Rosetta team signs the SciFi club car
ExoMars sim training
ESA-RAL Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory opening
ESA Summer Teachers' Workshop 2016
2016 European CanSat competition
SpaceOps 2016 Korea
Galileo 7 (13&14) Name Ceremony
Couture in Orbit
Angela Merkel visit to ESA/EAC on 18 May 2016
Living Planet Symposium 2016
Sentinel-1B launch event was attended by around 400 guests at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati on 22 April 2016
Meteron 29 April 2016
ESA Fly Your Satellite!
Sentinel-1B Launch Campaign
ExoMars launch event
ESRIN Open Days 7-11 March 2016
Clean Space
Sentinel-3A launch event at ESOC
New antenna inauguration
Asteroid Day 2016 press conference
Zero Robotics 2015 Challenge
Galileo launches
Moon 2020-2030 Symposium
Space Training Course, 7-11 December 2015, Athens
Airlebnis at Frankfurt Airport 2015
LISA Pathfinder
New 4.5m dish, New Norcia
Drop Your Thesis! 2015 campaign
Sentinel-3A launch campaign at ESOC
BEXUS 20 and 21 launch campaign
Researchers' night 2015
Estrack 40 anniversary event
Researchers' Night 2015
Cluster space art
Great space photos
VMC Schools Campaign
Partners for Space Exploration
Columbus Control Centre
MSG-4 Launch Campaign
2015 Summer Teachers Workshop
Flags are raised at ESA's first UK centre
Ariane 5 Installation at ESOC
Welcome home Samantha Cristoforetti at EAC
NEO Workshops
2015 CanSat European Competition
Thomas Pesquet at ESTEC 2015
Sentinel-2A launch event at ESOC
ESA ISS Awards 2015
Meteron - Principia mission
Mission X In-Flight call with Samantha Cristoforetti
SpaceUp Cologne
Solar eclipse at ESRIN
Solar eclipse event at Space Expo, ESA ESTEC
Rosetta nordic tour
Cluster-1 manoeuvre
Concordia DC11
Fly Your Satellite! environmental test campaign
Rexus 17 and 18
ESRIN Open Days 3-6 March 2015: "Get inspired"
Estrack - ESA tracking station network
ATV-5 reentry
MissionX Netherlands kick-off
IXV on Earth
Beagle retrospective
Visit of HM King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands to ESTEC on 16 December 2014 – 50 years of European Cooperation in Space Celebration
EDRS laser communication demo at ESOC
Italian Minister of Education, Universities and Research visits ESRIN to celebrate 50 years of Europe in space
‘Astrophotographer’ and ESA Astronaut Luca Parmitano at ESRIN, 31 October 2014
Rosetta Landing event Netherlands
Rosetta mission - comet landing 11-13 November
Drop Your Thesis! 2014 campaign
Jeff Wayne Visit to ESA ESTEC 14 Oct. 2014
ESA-ESTEC Open Day 2014
Bexus 18 and 19 launch campaign
Researcher's Night 2014
Researcher's Night 2014 Athens
Farewell to the A300
ESA ISS awards 2014
Celebrating 50 years at ESOC
#CallAlex SocialSpace EAC
ATV-5 docking
Meteron Experiment 7/8/14
Astronaut Luca Parmitano's TweetUp
ESA Summer Workshop for Teachers 2014
Farnborough International Air Show 2014
Meteron simulation 2014
ESAC Family Event, 50th: Anniversary Serving European Cooperation and Innovation. 20th June 2014
2014 European Cansat Competition
Alexander Gerst launch event Frankfurt
German Federal president Gauck visit to ESOC
ATV-5 launch campaign in Kourou
Signal into the future
Rosetta Truck Nordic Tour
Mission patch design for ESA astronaut Tim Peake
Andreas Mogensen iriss mission
Visit to the Vatican Observatory
Sentinel-1 launch campaigns
ESRIN Open Days 18-21 March: a "global" experience
Concordia DC10
REXUS 15 and 16 Integration week
Rosetta Wake Up at ESOC
Venus Express
Mars Express and the Red Planet
Five decades of ESA, space and the UK
Swarm MCR launch
Swarm launch day
Rosetta EQM
Swarm launch campaign
Rosetta testing at ESOC
GOCE re-entry at ESOC
Rosetta Simulation 8 Nov 2013
Drop Your Thesis! 2013 campaign
ATV-4 reentry
Planck final command
Volare Space Robotics Challenge finals
Greek European Researchers' Night in Athens
AMAZE - 3d printing
Juno flyby 9 October 2013
Bexus 16 and 17 launch campaign
SocialSpace at ESTEC open day
Researcher's Night 2013
Spin Your Thesis! 2013 campaign
German Space Day 2013: Cologne
Comet ISON
#SocialSpace German Aerospace Day
ATV5 integration at Astrium
Living Planet Symposium
ESOC II Richtfest
ESA Summer Teacher Workshop 2013
UK Space Conference 2013
ESA-NASA Ladee optical communication
ATV Georges Lemaître
Mission-X 2013 international closing event
Charlie Duke at ESTEC and Space Expo, 20-21 June 2013
Mission X Portugal - Closure event
Luca Parmitano launch
ATV Albert Einstein
SSA NEO-CC Inauguration
ESA Space Apps Challenge 2013
Mission-X 2013
REXUS 13 and 14
Concordia DC9
Space Debris Conference 2013
ESA's CanSat competition 2013
ISS Awards 2013
SSA Space Weather Coordination Centre inauguration
Ground Segment Reference Facility, ESOC, Darmstadt
@Astro_Luca in Rome, 23 February
Orion Service Module
Irish students visit ESOC
Malargüe station inauguration
Malargüe tracking station
Drop your Thesis! 2012
Concordia DC5
REXUS 11 event
Visit of HM Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to ESTEC.
Concordia DC8
André Kuipers post-flight tour
Researcher's Night 2012
BEXUS 14 and 15 Campaign
ESA at IAC 2012
Concordia DC7
MetOp-B mission control team
ILA Tweetup
ESTEC open day
ESA at ILA 2012
Welcome home event for ESA astronaut André Kuipers
André Kuipers arrives back in the Netherlands
Mars Express tracks MSL
ATV Edoardo Amaldi
ESA/INTA New multipurpose building at ESAC - Inauguration Event
CERN Tweetup
ASI inauguration ceremony, and 20 years of Italians in Space
Farnborough 2012
Samantha Cristoforetti Press Conference at ASI
MSG-3 launch campaign
SpaceOps 2012
Orbita Italia
MSG-3 team at ESOC
Transit of Venus 2012
André Tweetup
Spacelab finalists speak with @Astro_Andre
VMC - Mars Webcam
Ariane 4's last journey
SSA - Space Situational Awareness
ISS Symposium 2012
DoDDS STEMposium visit to ESOC
#ATVtweetup, Toulouse 28/29 March
Science Day at Centralstation Darmstadt, 22 February 2012
@ESA_Italia in Kourou
Mission X kickoff, 2 February 2012
In-flight call 25 January 2012
PromISSe launch campaign
Mars500tweetup, Rome 6 December 2011
Internship at ATV-CC
ATV exam 2011
Marillion at the European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk
ESTRACK control Room at ESOC
4th Conference on EU Space Policy: Benefits for Citizens
International rendezvous in Lucca on global space exploration
Lift off of Soyuz flight VS01
Al Worden visit to ESTEC and Space Expo
Atomic Clock unveiled at ESRIN
ESTEC SpaceTweetUp - 9 October 2011
The Congress, "Space in Italy", Volandia, 16 Sept 2011
European Researcher's Night 2011
EAC Space Sunday on German Space Day
Twitter Q&A with Paolo, Cady and Samantha
1st European SpaceTweetup, 18 Sept
Best of the Spacetweetup
Assembly of Soyuz flight VS01
Campaign Earth
André Kuipers with Don Pettit and Oleg Kononeko at the GCTC
Paolo Nespoli welcomed home to Verano Brianza
ASI/ESRIN Nespoli and Vittori Press Conference
Mocup model robot at ESOC
25 Years of Cometary Science at ESA
Paris Air & Space Show, Le Bourget 2011
ATV Johannes Kepler
Rosetta hibernation
ASI/ESRIN Event for the Media
Thomas Reiter press briefing 25 May 2011
MagISStra mission
Papal call to the Space Station
STS-134 ESA/ASI Launch event at ESRIN
STS-134 mission
The "Conseller de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana" visits ESAC, 4th May 2011
ESA hands over keys to Soyuz launch site
First Soyuz rolls to pad at Europe’s Spaceport
Global Navigation meets Geoinformation
Yuri's Night Lecture & Space Party
Mission X - Train like an Astronaut, ESAC event, 30th March 2011
NASA #STS134 #Tweetup
Yuri's Night IHK
Yuri's Night Astronaut Fitnesstest
CryoSat ice campaign
The 3rd Annual Shorty Awards
Wirtschaftsrat visit to ESOC
Lange Nacht der Raumfahrt
CVA closing event, 21 december 2010
Mission X - Train like an Astronaut opening ceremony at Space Expo, Noordwijk, 14 January 2011
ESOC II Media Event
Inauguration of Galileo Control Center in Fucino (Italy)
Nespoli launch event in Verano
Minister Verhagen visits ESTEC
ESA at the Museo de Las Ciencias Principe Felipe, Valencia, Spain
MagISStra mission event in Italy
ESA at IAC 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
European Researchers Night 2010
Farnborough 2010
ILA 2010
ESA's Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen
ESA Campaign, Madrid Underground, June 2010
Madrid Book Fair, June 2010
ESA Human Spaceflight Teachers Workshop
ESAC: Inauguration of the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESA), 7th February 2008
ISS Symposium - Exhibition