ESA_events: The disassembled capsule with the experiment on the middle platform
ESA_events: Filling of the experiment boxes with the amaranth grains
ESA_events: Preperation of the box with the amaranth grains
ESA_events: Setting the cameras that will capture the experiment
ESA_events: Assembly of the catapult capsule
ESA_events: Fall of Fame team with their coordinator in front of their experiment capsule
ESA_events: Software integration in progress
ESA_events: The capsule being lifted on the balancing table
ESA_events: Fall of Fame student preparing the experimental unit before integration
ESA_events: Fall of Fame students in the control room before launch
ESA_events: Fall of Fame students in the control room during communication test 2
ESA_events: Fall of Fame students watching the integration fo the capsule for catapult launch
ESA_events: Fall of Fame team looking at the integration of their experiment in the tower (1)
ESA_events: Fall of Fame team looking at the integration of their experiment in the tower (2)
ESA_events: Fall of Fame team preparing their experiment for integration
ESA_events: Fall of Fame unit is fixed on a moving aluminum platform
ESA_events: Four Fall of Fame experimental boxes
ESA_events: Integration of the capsule in the drop tower (1)
ESA_events: Integration of the capsule in the drop tower (2)
ESA_events: Integration of the Fall of Fame experiment in the drop tower capsule (2)
ESA_events: Integration of the Fall of Fame experiment in the drop tower capsule (5)
ESA_events: One Fall of Fame student operating the experiment at 1g
ESA_events: Recovery of the capsule inside the drop tower
ESA_events: Recovery of the Fall of Fame experiment from the capsule (3)
ESA_events: Cleaning of the capsule just after recovery from the deceleration chamber
ESA_events: Control screen during the launch
ESA_events: Fall of Fame students improving the fitting of their 4 cameras before the second launch (3)
ESA_events: Recovery of the capsule from the decelaration chamber (2)
ESA_events: Fall of Fame student helping ZARM engineers during the experiment recovery
ESA_events: Recovery of the capsule from the decelaration chamber