ESA_events: Samantha Cristoforetti interviewed by press
ESA_events: ASI President Enrico Saggese
ESA_events: ASI President Enrico Saggese
ESA_events: Presentation made by ASI President, Enrico Saggese
ESA_events: Lori Garver, NASA Deputy administrator delivering a speech at the inauguration
ESA_events: ASI President Enrico Saggese and NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver exchange presents
ESA_events: Giuseppe Morsillo, ESA Director for ESA Policies, Planning and Control
ESA_events: Italian astronauts on stage at the inauguration
ESA_events: Italian Minister for Education, University and Research, Francesco Profumo
ESA_events: Roberto Vittori and Maurizio Cheli at the Inauguration ceremony
ESA_events: Lori Garver during the inauguration
ESA_events: New ASI HQ inauguration ceremony
ESA_events: Franco Malerba and Samantha Cristoforetti interviewed by press
ESA_events: Franco Malerba's mission patches