ESA_events: AMS-02 Control Centre at CERN
ESA_events: STS-134 commander Mark Kelly talks to press at CERN
ESA_events: Mike Fincke at CERN
ESA_events: NASA's Greg Johnson and Drew Feustel at CERN
ESA_events: ESA and NASA astronauts with Samuel Ting and CERN Director General arriving at the AMS 2 Control Centre
ESA_events: Professor Ting's desk, AMS-02 control room
ESA_events: Alot of monitors in the AMS-02 control room, CERN tweetup
ESA_events: AMS-02 control room, staff hard at work
ESA_events: AMS-02 control room
ESA_events: AMS-02 control room, CERN tweetup
ESA_events: CERN staff in the AMS-02 control room
ESA_events: AMS-02 control room, CERN
ESA_events: Mike Finke, Greg Chamitoff and CERN DG at the tweetup
ESA_events: Mike Fincke's mission patches, CERN tweetup
ESA_events: AMS-02 control room, CERN tweetup
ESA_events: Photo opportunity at the CERN tweetup
ESA_events: CERN group shot
ESA_events: Group photo opportunity, CERN tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN Tweetup
ESA_events: CERN computing grid
ESA_events: CERN computer centre