ESA_events: BEXUS 18 A5 Unibo team working on their electronics
ESA_events: Esrange Space Center workshop for the BEXUS 18 and 18 campaign
ESA_events: First experiments are getting integrated in BEXUS 19 gondola
ESA_events: BEXUS 18 A5 Unibo unpacking
ESA_events: BEXUS 18 AFIS-P preparing for integration
ESA_events: BEXUS 18 and 19 campaign participants attending the welcome and safety presentations
ESA_events: BEXUS 18 ARCA team getting ready for integration
ESA_events: BEXUS 18 Cougar team working on their rover
ESA_events: BEXUS 18 POLARIS team preparing for integration
ESA_events: BEXUS 18 POLARIS team working on their final assembly
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 ADAM team getting ready for integration into the gondola
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 countdown check list final review
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 GranaSAT and TORMES 2.0 integrating their experiments
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 GranaSAT team working on the final assembly of their experiment setup
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 TomaOS team working on their electronics
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 TORMES 2.0 team GPS antenna test
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 student teams at their groundstations
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 TamaOS team
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 ADAM team
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 launch
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 unfolding of the balloon
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 roll-out
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 balloon inflation
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 TORMES 2.0 team
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 just before launch
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 GranaSAT team
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 teams and payload manager
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 balloon inflated
ESA_events: BEXUS 19 late access
ESA_events: Roll-out of BEXUS 19