ESA_events: PDGS team at ESA-ESRIN.
ESA_events: Joining Soyuz in the launch tower.
ESA_events: Being hoisted up the gantry.
ESA_events: Close to the launch pad.
ESA_events: Soyuz - a big beast.
ESA_events: Soyuz heads for the launch pad.
ESA_events: Working in the 'KMTO' scaffolding.
ESA_events: Soyuz Fregat upper stage and Sentinel-1B.
ESA_events: Sentinel-1B joins Fregat.
ESA_events: Moving Sentinel-1B into position to join the Soyuz Fregat upper stage.
ESA_events: Fly Your Satellite team
ESA_events: Sentinel-1B, Microscope, Fly Your Satellite, Arianespace and CSG teams at BT-POC
ESA_events: Microscope team visits Sentinel-1B
ESA_events: Sentinel-1B moving to undergo fuelling and mating with the Fregat
ESA_events: Sentinel-1B being moved to the fuelling and integration facility
ESA_events: Ready for testing.
ESA_events: Tilting table will hold Sentinel-1B during testing.
ESA_events: Positioning Sentinel-1B on the tilting trolley.
ESA_events: Sentinel-1B will spend the next weeks being prepared for launch.
ESA_events: Pushing Sentinel-1B towards the 'high bay'
ESA_events: Removing Sentinel-1B from container
ESA_events: Checks on route
ESA_events: Unloading the satellite container
ESA_events: First manoeuvre for Sentinel-1A
ESA_events: Radar deployment test
ESA_events: Sentinel selfie from space
ESA_events: Sentinel-1A deployments
ESA_events: Sentinel-1A deployments
ESA_events: Sentinel-1A deployments
ESA_events: Sentinel-1A deployments