ESA_events: Samantha Christoforetti at the Q&A
ESA_events: @NASA introduces herself
ESA_events: Cady Coleman at the Twitter Q&A
ESA_events: Tweeps enjoying the chance to speak to ESA astronauts
ESA_events: Paolo Nespoli and Fulvio Drigani
ESA_events: ESA astronauts at the tweetup
ESA_events: @Astrosamantha fielding questions.
ESA_events: @Astrosamantha tweeting from the tweetup
ESA_events: International tweeters in Frascati
ESA_events: @Astro_Paolo enjoying the tweetup
ESA_events: Paolo answers questions, while Samantha tweets away.
ESA_events: Fulvio introduces the astronauts
ESA_events: Tweetup in full flow
ESA_events: Italian tweeps, doing what they do best.
ESA_events: Thumbs up from the tweetup!
ESA_events: The assembled tweeps
ESA_events: Cady, Paolo and Samantha
ESA_events: @Astro_Paolo
ESA_events: Tweetup from ESRIN
ESA_events: @Astro_Cady talks to the crowd.