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albums of behindthelens51
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Stumptown 2022
The icy winds of late November.
Pulling for Honor, July 14, 2018.
More of winter.
Winter 2017-2018
Construction Update, 12/2/17
Construction update, 10/20-11/05
Construction update, 0929
Construction update, 0922
Construction update, 0915
Construction Update, 0910
Construction update, 0826
Construction update, 0812
Construction update, 0731
Construction update, 0716
Construction update, 0701
Construction update, 0616
Pulling For Honor
Farm equipment.
Baling hay.
Lightning over Iowa City, 6-15-2017
From the air, Vol 2.
From the air!
Blowing bubbles
Winter and ice.
IAIS 505 gets a new engine.
503 gets new wheels
Loading wind generator blades at Newton, Iowa
New CWR on the Iowa City main.
BNSF at Ft.Madison
A few months of photos
Planes from the past
NS power at South Amana, 07/21/2015
M&M farm equipment
South Amana, 0502
Conrail on the IAIS
New Ballast Cars
March on the IAIS
516 at South Amana
PECR 0226
January and February on the IAIS
A few days, and evenings around South Amana
New GEVO's at SA
Yocum Connection, west wye switch
The NS on the Iowa Interstate
Workin' the night desk
Wabash 1070 Chase
CITIRAIL 11/30/2014
Misc Iowa Interstate
Railroads on canvas
Solar Eclipse, 10/23/2014
NS 8438 leads a single unit CR Extra
CIC 202, the North Liberty Switcher
Derailment in IC, 09-28
Recent photo from July to current
IAIS load and storm clouds
513-BNSF meet, 0703.
NS on IC and CR Subs
NS 9299, 06-16-14
South Amana and Homestead
NS 7700 coal train
Under the lights at South Amana
CN Geometry car
IAIS rail train
Rail Grinder, page 2
Loram on the IC Sub
IAIS 12/22/13
7081 west
QJ_7081, 9/5/2013
Vinton Boomtown 2013
Around South Amana
Hawkeye Express
Painting in Iowa City
513 and the Biz cars
Iowa City Fireworks, 7/5/2013
IAIS 101 and 400
South Amana, 7/2/13
The Iowa River in Iowa City
7081 6/9/13
QJ 7081
Flooding on Sub 3B
Sunday 5/19/2013
Fisheye vision
The slug set
NS grain at South Amana
IAIS Business Train
Iowa Interstate Ballast Train 4/16/2013
Cedar Rapids to South Amana
NS grain 2/17/2013
South Amana after dark
South Amana action
Dennis H. Miller LMW
Sub 3B to Yocum Connection
513 at South Amana
South Amana operations
Hawkeye Express at night
NS grain on the IAIS
513 and the Hawkeye Express
The Hawkeye Express.
Old Rock Island photos
NRHS, Cedar Rapids-Rock Island
Sunday July 29th.
The Ottumwa Sub, 7/14/2012
Ellis Park Cedar Rapids, July 3rd 2012.
Fathers Day, West Liberty to Durant.
6988, 6/15-6/16
Newton to Mitchellville and back.
Moving empty coal hoppers.
Painting Iowa City.
6988, June 1st.
513 turbo replacement
6988, May 31st.
714, 703 coal train
The solar eclipse
IAIS 6988, part 1
513 in Newton
Cedar Rapids at night.
Lightening storms
714 goes to Hills.
RI Steam power
Rainbows at Newton
IAIS repairs to NS 9394
NS outcome.
NS accident
The NS grain train
The Ice Recedes
Another day on the ice.
Frozen Lake McBride
Beauty in the ice.
Conductor Herky
CBBI-07, 509 East