behindthelens51: 505 leads CBBI-21 past Kent Park.
behindthelens51: Fresh snow trails 505 and CBBI-21.
behindthelens51: 505 eastbound at Kent Park.
behindthelens51: The CRSA turn led by 506 leaves the CIC 950 yard.
behindthelens51: CRSA at Fairfax.
behindthelens51: 506 on the CRSA turn.
behindthelens51: Heading towards Walford.
behindthelens51: 506 on the turn.
behindthelens51: Heading toward South Amana.
behindthelens51: Southwest of Walford.
behindthelens51: Nera East Amana.
behindthelens51: On the main east of South Amana.
behindthelens51: Backing into the yard.
behindthelens51: Shoving back.
behindthelens51: 500 westbound on the BICB
behindthelens51: Hitting the crossing
behindthelens51: 500 leads the BICB west of Downey.
behindthelens51: Snow flies.
behindthelens51: 500 west.
behindthelens51: The BICB
behindthelens51: I got a dusting.