behindthelens51: Flooding near Main Amana.
behindthelens51: Main Amana, looking northwest.
behindthelens51: The South Amana shop partially hid in cloud shadows
behindthelens51: South Amana from the air.
behindthelens51: Looking north.
behindthelens51: Looking east.
behindthelens51: The north side of the fuel shed.
behindthelens51: The SASI switcher at the east wye switch.
behindthelens51: The clouds disappeared.
behindthelens51: A good view.
behindthelens51: South Amana by air.
behindthelens51: South Amana, looking north.
behindthelens51: The Iowa River.
behindthelens51: Flooding on the Iowa.
behindthelens51: More flooding.
behindthelens51: ... more flooding.
behindthelens51: One of the canals at Main Amana.
behindthelens51: The CRSA creeping through the flooded area.
behindthelens51: Hard to believe this is Iowa!
behindthelens51: Creeping along.
behindthelens51: Passing Amana Refrigeration.
behindthelens51: The water on the right is normally farm land.
behindthelens51: Slow moving.
behindthelens51: The CRSA DPU.
behindthelens51: Heading towards South Amana.
behindthelens51: Is that a lake in the background?
behindthelens51: Things look different from the air.
behindthelens51: On the sunny side.
behindthelens51: The CRSA turn.
behindthelens51: That is DEEP water.