behindthelens51: 506 leads a late running CBBI-31
behindthelens51: 506 at Eagle Avenue
behindthelens51: BICB-31 heads toward South Amana
behindthelens51: Bringing up the rear.
behindthelens51: The CIC North Liberty switcher crosses the Iowa River.
behindthelens51: CIC 122 heads for North Liberty
behindthelens51: 122 at Young's Corner
behindthelens51: BICB-01 at Eagle Avenue
behindthelens51: 502 at the Homestead Station marker
behindthelens51: 502 and NS unit at Homestead
behindthelens51: 510 and 511 at South Amana
behindthelens51: 157 keeps the air up on the SASI
behindthelens51: The BICB heads into the yard and a crew change.