behindthelens51: Four engines on the turn.
behindthelens51: Approaching East Amana
behindthelens51: New signs at west Yocum switch.
behindthelens51: Pretty good advice.
behindthelens51: The turn heads toward the west yard switch.
behindthelens51: New sign honoring Dennis Miller
behindthelens51: IAIS LMW
behindthelens51: A GEVO sets outside the LMW
behindthelens51: The Dennis H. Miller Locomotive Maintenance Works, Dedication Day, November 18, 2012
behindthelens51: One of the new hoppers
behindthelens51: New 4000 series hoppers
behindthelens51: Good looking decals!
behindthelens51: Rebuilding bridges on Sub 3B
behindthelens51: New Concrete bridge
behindthelens51: New bridge
behindthelens51: Another bridge gets replaced by a big culvert
behindthelens51: The wooden bridge is filled in with rock