behindthelens51: My pilot.
behindthelens51: The Sand Lake south of Iowa City.
behindthelens51: The Department of Public Works, Streets Division
behindthelens51: Hy Vee on South Gilbert.
behindthelens51: Looking north over Iowa City
behindthelens51: Downtown Iowa City
behindthelens51: I-80 looking west
behindthelens51: Coralville
behindthelens51: Our shadow
behindthelens51: The new CRANDIC bridge in Coralville
behindthelens51: Building the new flood wall in Coralville
behindthelens51: The old power plant
behindthelens51: The Iowa River through Coralville.
behindthelens51: River Products Quarry
behindthelens51: Iowa City Water Treatment Plant
behindthelens51: Looking south over City Park
behindthelens51: City Park
behindthelens51: Dubuque Street and City Park
behindthelens51: Taft Blvd
behindthelens51: The wide river
behindthelens51: The old and new Hancher
behindthelens51: A deep pit
behindthelens51: U of I and Kinnick Stadium
behindthelens51: Iowa Avenue Bridge
behindthelens51: Looking northwest
behindthelens51: Southwest Iowa City
behindthelens51: Rocky Shore Drive in the lower left
behindthelens51: VA Hospital
behindthelens51: Iowa City Equipment and Transit Divisions