behindthelens51: The westbound at the west wye switch
behindthelens51: Under cloudy skies
behindthelens51: Red rails
behindthelens51: The conductor climbs down from 151
behindthelens51: 151 under the lights
behindthelens51: dirty windows
behindthelens51: A pair of geeps back up to 151
behindthelens51: nearly there
behindthelens51: that'll do
behindthelens51: Stan works the red zone
behindthelens51: bright lights
behindthelens51: Stan lines the switch
behindthelens51: 151's cab
behindthelens51: 502 gets ready to highball on the SASI
behindthelens51: heading east past the east yard signal
behindthelens51: rolling by the green
behindthelens51: into the night
behindthelens51: approaching Homestead