behindthelens51: After the hit
behindthelens51: Switching the lead unit.
behindthelens51: The power has been switched
behindthelens51: 505 at Hawkeye.
behindthelens51: IAIS 505
behindthelens51: IAIS 505
behindthelens51: NS 9394 damage
behindthelens51: Damage to the NS 9394
behindthelens51: NS 9394 damage
behindthelens51: NS 9394 step damage
behindthelens51: NS 9394 left side view,
behindthelens51: NS_Hawkeye_2069
behindthelens51: NS 70 MAC
behindthelens51: NS_9394_2640
behindthelens51: IAIS 505 at Homestead.
behindthelens51: IAIS 505 at MP 277.