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Event 2023: Africa RISING Program Close-Out Event 7 - 9 February
Events 2023 (Addis): The Africa RISING Ethiopian Highlands project close-out and Sustainable Intensification of Mixed Farming Systems (SI-MFS) stakeholders’ meeting January 24-25, 2023 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Event 2022: Africa RISING close-out meetings in Babati, Tanzania
Event 2022: Africa RISING West Africa Close-Out Meeting
Event 2022: Africa RISING ESA Project Close-Out Meeting
Tanzania - vegetables and GAP practices training
Event 2021: Iles de Paix close-out event
Event 2021: Africa RISING Farmers Field Days in Mali
Events 2021: Africa RISING Ethiopian Highlands Bale field day
Events 2021: Ethiopia cowedsourcing training
Events 2021: Ghana farmers training on maintenance of maize shelling machines
Events 2020: Africa RISING Ghana Field Activity Photos
Events 2020 Ethiopia (field day Tigray, Maichew)
Maps of biophysical and socio-economic conditions for technology suitability within Feed the Future Zone of Influence in Tanzania
Event 2020: Ghana partners review and planning meeting
Experience sharing visit field in Ethiopia. December 2019
Making a vegetable sack garden
Event 2020: External Reviewers visit to Africa RISING sites in Malawi and Tanzania
Event 2020: Tanzania Agribusiness Forum 2020
Event 2020(Africa RISING Ethiopia Project retreat)
Serious game simulation (typology)
Events 2019 (Ethiopia, Hosaena) : Africa RISING field day in Hosaena, Ethiopia Oct. 2019.
Events 2019 (Ethiopia, Debreberhan) Africa RISING field day in Debre Berhan, Ethiopia Nov 6, 2019.
Events 2019 (Ethiopia, bale) Africa RISING field day in Bale, Ethiopia Nov 2, 2019.
Event 2019 (Mali): Farmers field day
Pigeonpea and Napier grass intercropping - Ghana
Events 2019 (Ethiopia): Farmers field day in Tigray October 2019
Internally commissioned external review team in Ghana [15 - 21 September 2019]
Event 2019: Africa RISING ESA Review and planning meeting
Africa RISING featured images
Event 2019: Farmers group training on development of constitution for sharing shelling machines
Event 2019: Africa RISING program exchange visit
Event 2019: Africa RISING Tanzania monitoring visit
Event 2019: Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning Meeting - 14 - 16 May 2019
Event (Addis) 2019: Annual review and planning meeting
Event 2019: Annual Learning Event
Event 2018: Africa RISING Mali Monitoring Visit 2018
Event 2018: Jerry Glover visit to Africa RISING sites in northern Ghana
Events 2018: Hosaena field visit
Event 2018: SAIRLA - National Learning Alliance workshop
Event 2018: Africa RISING - NAFAKA project review and planning meeting
Event 2018: West Africa Review and Planning Meeting
Event 2018: Joint Africa RISING - SIIL Field Visit to Tanzania
Event 2018: Africa RISING Management team visit to Zambia - February 2018
Event 2018: Africa RISING Management team visit to Malawi - February 2018
Event 2018: SIMLESA-Africa RISING learning event
Event 2018:Training on Management and Utilization of Improved Forages : Ethiopia
Event 2017: Vegetables IPM training for extension officers
Event 2017: Africa RISING management team monitoring visit to Tanzania
Event 2017: AR Management monitoring visit to Ghana activity sites
Event 2016: Africa RISING Mali farmers field day
Event 2015 (Tigray Region, Ethiopia)
Event 2017: AR going to scale in E. Province of Zambia Review and End-of-Project Meeting
Event 2017: Ethiopia (Apple production and managment traning In Basona Worena woreda)
Gender - eval. of technologies in N.Ghana
Event 2017: Africa RISING - NAFAKA Project Review and End-of-Phase Meeting
Event 2017:SAIRLA-Ethiopia NLA
Event 2017: INVC Bridging Activity Project Review and Planning
Event 2017: Science Advisory Group Meeting June 2017
Event 2017: Amhara (Training of trainers: Scaling of Africa RISING project validated technologies/innovations in the Ethiopian Highlands)
Event 2017: Oromia -Training of Trainers (ToT) for scaling of technologies and practices of the Africa RISING project in the Ethiopian highlands
Event 2017: Tigray (Training of Trainers (ToT) for scaling of technologies and practices of the Africa RISING project in the Ethiopian highlands )
Event 2017: Africa RISING ESA management team monitoring visit to Zambia
Event 2017: Africa RISING ESA management monitoring visit to Malawi
Event 2017(Training of Trainers (ToT) For scaling of technologies and practices of the Africa RISING project in the Ethiopian highlands )
Event 2017: Africa RISING West Africa Planning Meeting
Event 2017: Africa RISING Science for Impact Workshop
Event 2016: Africa RISING West Africa Phase 1 legacy writeshop
Event 2016(Ethiopia, Lemo Africa RISING project site)
Event 2016 (Ethiopia, Addis Ababa) Africa rising review and planning meeting phase II
High Value Trees(Ethiopia 2016)
Event 2016 (Lilongwe, Malawi): Africa RISING ESA phase 2 planning meeting
Event 2016 (Lilongwe, Malawi): AR ESA - training on farming systems research design
Monica Paschal: potrait of a successful vegetable and poultry farmer
Event 2016 (Accra, Ghana): Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning 2016
Event 2016-Ethiopia (Africa RISING Ethiopia booth at EIAR 50 Years anniversary))
Event 2016 - Ethiopia (Nutrition Training in Sinana Woreda)
Events 2016 (Addis Ababa): Ethiopian Highlands review and planning meeting 2015-2016
Event 2015: Ethiopia Field Days
Event 2015 : Ethiopia (national workshop on decision support tools for appropriate fertilizer recommendation in Ethiopia )
Ghana early post-harvest season 2015
Event 2015: Africa RISING program strategy meeting
EVENT 2015: Farmers Field Day in Kilosa District (10 - 13 June)
Event 2015: Ethiopia(Africa RISING Ethiopia writeshop)
Event 2015: Africa RISING - NAFAKA Scaling Project Annual Review & Planning Meeting (8 - 10 July)
Event 2015: ESA Review & Planning Meeting (13-15 July)
Event 2015: Ethiopia( Photos from a study on women farmers’ participation in agricultural research )
Event 2015: Ethiopia (participatory epidemiology and gender training workshop June 15-19, 2015)
Event 2015:Ethiopia
Forage, Data Collection and Soil Water Management Training - Babati, Tanzania
Event 2015 : Ethiopia(row planter)
Event 2015:Ethiopia
Event 2015: Ethiopia(Apple training)
East and Southern Africa Mid-Term External Review 2015
Event 2015: Africa RISING West Africa Planning and Review Meeting
Africa RISING East and Southern Africa mid-term external
Africa RISING Project in Ethiopia - sites
Field Event 2015: Aflasafe Biocontrol Application in Babati District
Africa RISING project in Ethiopia, Lemo 2014)
Africa RISING project in Ethiopia
Event 2015 : CSISA experiance sharing visit
Events 2014(Addis Ababa): Africa RISING Ethiopia Review and planning meeting
Seloto Village Field Visit 2014
Event 2014: Fodder establishment training workshop
Chopping Forages into Milk in Babati, Tanzania
WA/ESA success Stories
Event 2014 (Field day 17 March - Seloto Village Tanzania)
Event 2013 (Field day 4-7 March Golomoti EPA Malawi)
2014 SAG Field Visit (Babati District-Tanzania)
Events 2014 (Arusha): Annual Africa RISING Learning Event
Events 2014 (Arusha): Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) meeting
Gender capacity development workshop
Event 2014(SNNP and Amhara regions)
Event 2014 (Africa RISING write shop workshop in Addis Ababa)
Event 2014 (Africa RISING learning visit to Malawi )
field visit
Innovation platform
Events 2013 (Addis): Training on Feast and techfit
Portraits of staff
Events 2014 (Mali): West Africa review and planning meeting 2013-2014
Events 2014(Addis Ababa)
Events 2013 (Lilongwe): East & Southern Africa Review and Planning meeting
Events 2013 (Addis) Ethiopia Review and Planning meeting 2013
Events 2013 (Addis): Joint M&E meeting Africa RISING-CSISA
Africa RISING project in Ghana
Africa RISING annual Learning event(24th -26th Sept 2013))
Training -Market Value chain studies(Sept 2013)
IMPACTlite Training 2013
Field Visit to Debre Berhan and Hadiya(August 2013)
Field visit - WA and ESA
Field Visit- ICRAF 2013
Training 2013(Ethiopia)
Participatory Community Assessment (2013)
Survey 2013 (Ethiopia :19-25 May 2013)
Document Pictures
Events 2013:( Addis Ababa and Jeldu)
Events 2013 (Addis):
Events 2013 (Accra): West Africa stakeholder meeting
Events 2012 (Tamale): Guinea Savannah region review & planning meeting
Ethiopian Highlands
Events 2012 (Arusha): East and Southern Africa region review & planning meeting
Events 2012 (Dar es Salaam): Sustainable intensification of cereals – based farming system in Eastern and Southern Africa Project inception workshop