africarising: Bekele Kotu (IITA) and Clarisse Umutoni (ILRI) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Caroline Sobgui (AVRDC) and Felix Badolo (ICRISAT) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Tsehay Gashaw (ILRI) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Participants engage in a group activity during the Africa RISING West Africa planning and review meeting 2016 (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Alejandro Ortega-Beltran of IITA (standing) and Gundula Fischer (seated) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Tsehay Gashaw (ILRI) reads out the participants’ aspirations and things to avoid during the Africa RISING West Africa planning and review meeting 2016 (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Sara Signorelli (IFPRI) presents findings from the typology research work for Ghana and Mali (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Right there! Mirja Michalscheck (WUR) presents her data on typology research work in northern Ghana (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: This is how we’ll do it. Ewen Le Borgne (ILRI) sets the ground rules for a group activity during the Africa RISING West Africa planning and review meeting 2016 (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Participants carry out a group activity during the Africa RISING West Africa planning and review meeting 2016 (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: AR West Africa planning and review meeting 2016 participants - an eagle's view (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Clarisse Umutoni (ILRI) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Ewen Le Borgne (right) and Tsehay Gashaw (left) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Saaka Buah (UDS) and Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon (IITA) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Nurudeen Abdul Rahman (IITA) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Sara Signorelli from IFPRI (left) and Mirja Michalscheck (WUR) (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Tsehay Gashaw and Ewen Le Borgne guide participants on an exercise to evaluate what they achieved during the Africa RISING West Africa planning and review meeting 2016 (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Participants use a four part square (marked on the floor) to practically indicate their satisfaction by standing on the quadrant which most describes what they achieved during the three-day AR West Africa planning and review meeting 2016 (Photo credit: II
africarising: It is a perfect four out of four for me! Gundula Fischer goes on all fours to practically demonstrate (on a four part square marked on the meeting floor) that she achieved all her goals for attending the AR West Africa planning and review meeting 2016 (Ph
africarising: Participants used a four part square (marked on the floor) to evaluate whether the meeting met their expectations (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)
africarising: Participants group photo - West Africa Review and Planning meeting 2016
africarising: Jenna Tajchman, Agricultural Program Officer, USAID Ghana Country Mission (Photo credit: IITA/Jonathan Odhong’)