africarising: Participants morning debrief. SIMLESA - Africa RISING learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Left - Right: Michael Misiko (SIMLESA), Irmgard H. Zeledon (Africa RISING ESA & WA Manager), Mulugetta Mekuria (SIMLESA Manager), and Daniel Rodriguez (SIMLESA). SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Asamoah Larbi (Africa RISING West Africa Chief Scientist) takes part in a recap exercise during the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Group discussions underway during the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Group discussions underway during the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Group discussions underway during the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Group discussions underway during the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Outcomes of a mentimeter voting exercise during the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Outcomes and agenda of the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Where to find the outputs of the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Outcomes and agenda of the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Jerry Glover (USAID) explains the process of a world café exercise during the SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Partcipants: SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Partcipants: SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Next steps: SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.
africarising: Next steps: SIMLESA - Africa RISING joint learning event. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong'/IITA.