africarising: Africa RISING - NAFAKA Project demonstration site. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: Africa RISING - NAFAKA Project quality declared seed demonstration site. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: Mbili-mbili intercropping. Photo credit: Jonathan Odhong/IITA.
africarising: Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon, Job Kihara and Mateete Bekunda. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: Sophia Hussein, a farmer from Gallapo Village in Babati District. Various improved agricultural technologies validated by the project are being demonstrated at Sophia’s farm. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: Africa RISING scientist and partner from CIAT, Dr. Job Kihara (left), explains the emerging results from Mbili-mbili intercropping. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: PICS bag storage for better post harvest preservation of grains. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: A farmer stands next to a mechanized multi crop processor prototype introduced by Africa RISING. The machines can perform additional tasks that integrate two or more post-harvest operations as is often the case in a local farm set up. These improvements r
africarising: A farmer revs the engine of the mechanized multi crop processor prototype introduced by Africa RISING. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: Africa RISING scientist, Christopher Mutungi explains how the newly developed low-cost mechanized multi crop processor prototype works at Changarawe Village in Karatu District. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: Group photo of Africa RISING project team and partners during the Tanzania monitoring visit held on 18 - 31 March 2019. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.
africarising: Farmer Azinaeli Christina Gwatema standing next to a metal silo introduced to her courtesy of a partnership between the Africa RISING project and Kilimo Endelevu. Photo credit: Bevin Bhoke/IITA.