africarising: The farmer grown improved faba beans varieties at the Bale highlands
africarising: Field pea was harvested and made ready for wheat for double cropping at the Bale highlands
africarising: The Female farmer grown improved faba beans varieties at the Bale highlands
africarising: Project evaluation team with development agent and farmers at the Bale highlands
africarising: Faba beans demonstration plot
africarising: Geletu Bejiga and Tadele Tadesse visiting chickpeas demonstration plot
africarising: Landscape of Bale highlands
africarising: Bale highlands goats
africarising: From left to right Geletu Bejiga (ICARDA) and Beyene Zembaba, Deputy Head, Bale Zone Agricultural Office
africarising: Geletu Bejiga with farmers in Gemora woreda
africarising: Farmers weeds the faba beans farm
africarising: Closing remark by Geletu Bejiga
africarising: Cattle’s of Bale highlands
africarising: A girl plowing the faba beans farm
africarising: Participants in Embahasti kebele
africarising: Zelalem Lema documenting a session
africarising: Kindu Mekonnen briefing Africa Rising interventions
africarising: Participants addressing concerns about the operational innovation platform
africarising: The technical committee of Basona Worena woreda Innovation platform
africarising: The technical committee of Gudo Beret kebele Innovation platform
africarising: Temesgen Alene Africa RISING site coordinator briefing prior activities taken in the kebele
africarising: Discussion on partial budgeting session in Gudo Beret Kebele
africarising: Discussion on partial budgeting session in Gudo Beret Kebele
africarising: Embahasti technical committee members
africarising: Endamehoni Woreda Technical committee members at the planning session
africarising: Maichew surrounding landscape
africarising: Maichew operational innovation platform establishment meeting in Embahasti kebele
africarising: Tesfaye Hagos presenting the Participatory Community Analysis(PCA) result
africarising: Dawit from Mekelle University briefing farmers on Innovation concept
africarising: Participants discussing on the importance of Innovation Platform