The spatial distribution of soil bulk density (Kg/m3) of the topsoil (0 - 30 cm) in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania
Extrapolation suitability index (ESI) of HB614 maize variety grown with Minjingu Mazao and Minjingu top dressing fertilizers in Mbozi and Momba districts in Tanzania. Details are likeFigure 23
The action districts and the location of the demonstration plots for the Africa RISING-NAFAKA Partnership project. The action districts during phase 1 and 2 are represented by hachured lines and different colours, respectively. The demonstration plots wer
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) showing the height above sea level in metres in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania. The 13 action districts of the Africa RISING NAFAKA partnership project in the 7 regions are named in the map.
The degree of slope of the terrain in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania. Flat and steep slopes are shown in dark grey and light grey colour respectively.
Spatial distribution of mean annual rainfall in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania.
The trend of annual rainfall over the last 37 years (1981 - 2017) in the FtF-ZoI of Tanzania.
The trend of December rainfall over the last 37 years (1981 - 2017) in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania
The trend of February rainfall over the last 37 years (1981 – 2017 in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania that is usually the flowering period of the maize crop in large areas of the zone.
The trend of May rainfall over the last 37 years (1981 – 2017 in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania that is normally the harvesting period for maize crops in large areas of the zone.
The standardized anomalies for annual rainfall (1983 – 2017) in the FtF region in Tanzania (black polygons).
The spatial distribution of the mean maximum annual temperature (TMax) in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of the mean minimum temperature (TMin) in the FtF-ZoI in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of soil pH of the topsoil (0 - 30 cm) in the FtF-ZoI region in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC; g/Kg) in in the Feed the Future (FtF) region in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of the soil cation exchange ions (CEC, cmol+/kg of fine earth) in the FtF region in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of human population density in in the FtF-ZoI region in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of women of child-bearing age (WOCBA) in the FtF region in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of children under five years (male and female) in the FtF region in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of youth population (male and female) density in the FtF-ZoI region in Tanzania.
The spatial distribution of cattle density in the FtF region in Tanzania. The grid layer had 10x10 Km resolution.
The travel time in minutes to the nearest urban centre with a total population over 20000, as an indicator of access to the market in the FtF region in Tanzania. The layer has 1 x 1 Km resolution.
Extrapolation suitability index (ESI) of HB614 maize variety grown with Minjingu Mazao (basal application) and Minjingu top dressing fertilizers in the Feed the Future (FtF) zone in Tanzania
Extrapolation suitability index (ESI) of HB614 maize variety grown with Minjingu Mazao and Minjingu top dressing fertilizers for Kilolo district in Tanzania. Details are likeFigure 23.
The Impact Based Spatial Targeting Index (IBSTI) of agronomic technology comprising of HB614 maize variety grown with Minjingu Mazao and Minjingu top dressing fertilizers FtF zone of influence in Tanzania.
Suitability of SC719 maize variety grown with Yaramila-Cereal and Yara-Bela Sulfan fertilizers in the Feed the Future zone of Tanzania. Details are like Figure 23.
Suitability of SC719 maize variety grown with Yaramila-Cereal and Yara-Bela Sulfan fertilizers in Kilolo district in Tanzania.
Suitability of SC719 maize variety grown with Yaramila-Cereal and Yara-Bela Sulfan fertilizers in Mbozi and Momba districts in Tanzania.
The Impact Based Spatial Targeting Index (IBSTI) for SC719 maize variety grown with Yaramila-Cereal and Yara-Bela Sulfan fertilizers in the FtF zone of influence in Tanzania.
Suitability of Staha maize variety grown with Yaramila-Cereal fertilizers in the FtF-ZoI ofTanzania.