africarising: A student of Ségou University asks a question after the demonstration of the nutritious porridge at Sirakele. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofor
africarising: Africa RISING Patrners who partook in the Farmer Field Days. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: At Sirakele - Demonstration of nutritious porridge for children and pregnant women. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: At Sirakele, participants observe cattle rotation effect on Soubatimi plot. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: At the Farmer Field Day at Bougouni, the Sous Prefet goes round to inspect all the technologies. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: At the Farmer Field Day at Bougouni, the Sous Prefet learns the Dual Purpose Soorghum technology. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Baobab Plants at the Madina Technology Park at Bougouni. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Bracharia seeds. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Demonstration of the Feed Mill Grinder technology at the Madina Park, Bougouni. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Farmer Field Day at Bougouni. Participants gathered around the Madina Technology Park. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Field Day at Bougouni - Students take notes of the technologies at the Technology Park. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Fred Kizito and Birhanu Zemadim state the purpose of the Field Day at Bougouni. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Group Photo at Sirakele community. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Group photo of participants at the Field Visit at Sirakele. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Home Vegetable Garden in sacs at Sirakele community. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Home vegetable garden technology at Sirakele. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Ingredients for the nutritions porridge. Main ingredients are cereals, fruits, vegetables of any kind. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah
africarising: Moringa plants at the technology park at Bougouni. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Some farmers at Bougouni prefer the soumba sorghum variety because of its early maturity. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Some participants admire the grians of Tiéble sorghum variety at the Park at Bougouni. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Sorghum varieties at the Madina Technology Park, Bougouni.
africarising: Sorghum varieties observed at Field Day at Bouguoni. Left-Tiéble. Right-Soumba. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: Students at the Field Day attentively observe and learn the technologies on the Park at Bougiuni. Photo credit -Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: The Faddah variety of sorghum. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: The Feed Mill Grinder that chops fodder for livestock. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: The rectangular metallic box used to compress the bracharia plants for storage.Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: The Soumba variety of sorghum. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA
africarising: The Tiéble variety of sorghum. Photo credit - Wilhelmina Ofori Duah -IITA