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albums of Dan Hutt
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241213 small forestry eqpt demo
Common Roots BiHi
2024 Port Medway community garden
OPDF Salvage harvest
240702 Horton Ridge
240803 Big Spruce
G Power contributed photos
240723 Mulgrave Rd Theatre
240719 G Power
Diane's car photos
240616 Memory Lane cars
240602 Seafood Festival
240325 Common Roots Bi Hi
240130 Valley luthier
240222 Cape Breton luthier
Sue's Feb. 2024
231125 Sherbrooke Village Christmas
231126 Memory Lane Christmas
231121 milling at OPDF (for Directors)
231111 Porter salvage operations
Prest family Nov. 2023
231121 milling at Otter Ponds
231015 mushroom walk
230930 Forestry Festival
231001 OPDF wetlands tour
230909 OPDF wetland tour
230909 50 Mile Yard Sale
230826 McDonald mill
230624 flower walk
230528 GNTI pellet mill
230607 GNTI port
Wade Prest
221017 OPDF Fiona clearing
221013 Fiona salvage
230411 Newcombe
220829 Westville
Lerici apartment
Tangier quick look
Eric birthday 2021
200827 Hughie and Margie
200828 Robbie and Leona
200905 Sheet Rock
200202 House in Tuscany
191224 Tellaro
190816 parents pics
2018 more OPDF photos
180927 Dan's retirement
181223 Duncan's Cove hike
181206 GiuBea
181013 NSMS foray
Lerici, Italy
180903 forageable foods
180824 Otter Ponds soil
180512 OPDF shelter damage
180429 Dusan and Ulrika
170923 Lichen Workshop
180122 NSWOOA members meeting
171121 Mark's retirement party
171012 Tolerant Hardwood Workshop
170908 outdoor pizza party
170624 visit to Chatham
Nuuk, Greenland 2017
Stockholm 2017
Hutt cottage
160915 Old Growth Forest course
Christmas 2016
Australia 2016
160318 Patricia at Otter Ponds
160317 Patricia at woodlot
Maelissa's house
161121 OPDF owl boxes
for HRM Grants
Prest photos
161029 Acadian Forest Keepers
160917 OPDF Open Forest Day
160724 Amelia's visit
160704 Old growth forest
160619 Shelter Cove Paddle
160618 Otter Ponds trails
160425 Bolgheri, Italy
160117 Tangier river NSNT property
160108 NSWOOA retreat
150808 OPDF water crossing (day 1)
151224 Christmas 2015
150513 OPDF trail workshop
150516 OPDF boundary workshop
150818 fly-by Otter Ponds, NS
151017 OPDF boundary workshop
151212 Bev and Dusan's wedding
150927 Frame family woodlot tour
150927 Mushroom tour at Frame's
150712 OPDF outhouse work party
150718 Sterling & Valerie's 60th Anniversary
150627 OPDF Nature Day
150621 NSNT paddle to Shelter Cove
150613 AFKeepers AGM 2015
150410 OPDF AGM
150301 Conrod Lake to Thompson Lake
150221 Terminal Hill
150228 Long bridge Lake to Paces Lake
150208 Skull Lake
150207 Rose Briar Farm
140323 Terence bay Wilderness Area
140316 Hoop Pole Lake
141108 Jim Crooker's woodlot
141206 NSWOOA retreat
141018 Bearwood Farm tour
141011 OPDF shelter completion
140920 Sambro Island lighthouse
140809 NSNT St. Mary's River
140802 Red Barn Antiques
140726 Borgles Island paddle
140802 White barn & tool sale
140725 Bakeapples!
140622 our bog
140621 Moose River Gold Mine Church
2013 OPDF annual report
121006 shoring up OPDF embankment
120929 OPDF bridge
121012 CHS at OPDF
111105 OPDF Director's meeting
130223 new Director's visit to OPDF
121021 Kate and Adam's
140524 OPDF Open Forest Day
140418 Herbert River paddle
140413 Paddle on Gays River
140406 Mackintosh Run
140215 Warden's Cabin
140208 winter hike at Otter Ponds
140129 Halifax snowstorm
140119 Tangier in winter
Christmas 2013
131213 felling trees at Otter Ponds
131101 wine-tasting, Temecula CA
130819 Port Williams, NS
131004 Otter Ponds in autumn
130720 Shelter Cove paddle
130705 Photo-survey of Shelter Cove
130907 100 km yard sale
130823 milling wood at OPDF
130818 Borden House, Port Williams
130805 Sailing on Odyssey
130324 Deanery horse-logging
130704 Martin's visit to NS
130106 Hike to Shelter Cove
2012 Christmas
diving Hawaii 2012
Hawaii 2012
Australia 2012
120714 Shelter Cove clean-up
120616 Picea training
Canon SD1400IS underwater photos
2011 Christmas
120831 OPDF bridge
NSWOOA website photos
Beijing, 2012
111118 planning Otter Ponds trail
110811 Fisherman's Life museum
120428 OPDF trail-building
Kandahar, Afghanistan 2011
110916 IoW cycling trip
110731 Heritage village, Nova Scotia
110729 Tangier Home Coming
110728 Survey of Shelter Cove
110801 Hutt family reunion
100829 Tangier water monitoring
100829 Scraggy Lake monitoring
100809 Sherbrooke Village
100524 Otter Ponds in May
Corsica 2011
Paris 2011
2010 Christmas
2010 Christmas
100502 Hike in Otter Ponds
101120 Tangier river
091113 Scraggy Lake sampling trip
091108 DDV Gold property
100402 Shelter Cove trail clean-up
100314 Hike to Shelter Cove
101029 Nova Scotians for a healthy Forest Rally
101009 1st OPDF Board meeting
New Zealand 2010
Australia 2010
Fiji 2010
Ace the Wonder Dog
100724 seeking endangered plants
100717 Shelter Cove beach clean-up
100509 Admiral's Lake loop
100611 Eric's prom
100506 New Providence in concert
100306 Scraggy lake water monitoring
100421 ASA Jam Session
100419 ASA meeting, Baltimore
Easter 2010
Arctic flowers 2009
Arctic field trial 2009
090426 Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes paddle
090410 Little River paddle
historical photos of Tangier
100220 Wade's FSC woodlot
100206 trail to Shelter Cove
100205 South shore biomass tour
100131 Hike on Cranberry Lake
100116 Hike to Skull Lake
091227 Northern Pulp site visit
091212 Nova Gospel Ensemble
091201 ASW Conference, London
091023 Dan's 50th surprise party
090911 Eastern Shore Forest Watch meeting
091011 autumn walk in Otter Ponds
090920 paddle in White Lake Wilderness Area
090711 Inner Baltee
090201 skating on Lake Banook
090518 Scraggy Lake sampling trip
090601 Timber Framing course
090606 NDP wins Nova Scotia!
090526 all-candidates debate
090522 hike in Otter Ponds
090419 Dave's woodlot
090306 Wilderness 1st Aid
090219 Martin's graduation from NAVCAN
090207 Scraggy Lake expedition
Sharon's 50th birthday
Sharon's 50th slide show
2008 Christmas
081206 Dad gets out of hospital
081117 Las Vegas
081115 Scraggy Lake monitoring
080816 American Cruisers
080723 American Hutts at cottage
080722 Catherine's 11th Birthday party
080714 Coastal Adventures paddling course
080706 Sandy Cove
080705 Baltee Island
080629 Chateau Mushaboom
080621 Julia's Prom
080614 Paddle-fest Coastal Adventures
080530 Incredible GreensMaster
080518 White Lake
080427 Mushaboom Lake
080414 Berlin
080405 Oslo, Norway
080303 sea trial on Quest
080308 Paddling Nassau Harbour
080224 hike to Ship Harbour Long lake
080106 Hike along Tangier River
080120 snow at the cottage
080223 slush paddle
060402 EcoEndurance training
060401 survival course
080203 Birch Cove Lakes ice-hike
080120 paddling Tangier
071225 Christmas dinner
2007 Christmas Eve
Julia's 18 birthday
2007 Christmas morning
071208 eggrolls with Tena
071217 gingerbread cookies
Halloween 2007
Tangier pumpkin party
060819 Ecum Secum paddle
walk in Tangier cemetery
autumn at the cottage
Bradley house
070901 Amsterdam
070801 Colpitts folk art
summer 2007 at the cottage
070728 Shelter Cove
070713 Diving the Great Barrier Reef
070705 Australia
070531 Kiel & Hamburg, Germany
070529 Stockholm, Sweden
070617 Wrights Lake & Northeast River
070519 Big Indian lake & Otter Lake Brook
070609 Lake Charlotte to Ship Harbour
summer home in Tangier
070428 White Lake wilderness
070406 Scraggy Lake
070401 Otter Lake
Trailer Park Boys
060611 Tangier paddle
070324 Inner Sambro Island
060721 Neil, Julie & London
Falls Lake 2006
070304 Big Indian Lake
Cuba 2007
070224 Mill Cove paddle
070128 skaters Lake Banook
070128 Georges Island
070110 cooking class
Christmas 2006
061203 Prospect River
061126 Jeddore Lake
061119 Gays river paddle
061105 Chebucto
061008 Cow Bay
061001 Head of Jeddore
060923 cycling Salt Marsh & Musquodoboit trail
060916 Marr's Island camping
060909 Wolfe's Island
060902 Prospect Bay
060827 Animal Shelter
060825 Moose Cove Lake
Ireland July 2006
060605 trip to Ucluelet
060506 EcoEndurance
Halloween 2005
050820 our house