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150221 Terminal Hill by Dan Hutt
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Dan Hutt
150221 Aerotech Park to Target Hill
Dan Hutt
150221-01 Dusan trail trimming 9211
Dan Hutt
150221-02 portage to King Lake 9270
Dan Hutt
150221-03 volunteer portage maintenance 9278
Dan Hutt
150221-04 volunteer portage maintenance 9287
Dan Hutt
150221-07 Ace, stick & Dave 9347
Dan Hutt
150221-08 portage at south end of King Lake 9349
Dan Hutt
150221-09 south end of King Lake, looking north 9350
Dan Hutt
150221-10 bog on portage between King and Preeper Big Lake 9359
Dan Hutt
150221-11 Ace, in-coming 9378
Dan Hutt
150221-12 pine marks Wilderness Area boundary 9390
Dan Hutt
150221-14 Sanctuary sign at Preeper Big Lake 9401
Dan Hutt
150221-16 Ace loves jumping for snow 9423
Dan Hutt
150221-17 Bernie L., Gordon W., Dusan S. & Dave Y. 9441
Dan Hutt
150221-17 met Bernie L. and Gordon W. coming back from Warden's cabin 9431
Dan Hutt
150221-17a Gordon, Dan, Bernie, Dave, Dusan (Bernie L. photo)
Dan Hutt
150221-18 Ace follows the leader 9449
Dan Hutt
150221-19 jolly Dave 9461
Dan Hutt
150221-20 Ace rises to the occasion 9492 sm
Dan Hutt
150221-20 Ace rises to the occasion 9492
Dan Hutt
150221-21 man of action on snow shoes 9509
Dan Hutt
150221-22 Dusan & Ace 9519
Dan Hutt
150221-23 North end of North Red Trout Lake 9535
Dan Hutt
150221-24 at portage from North Red Trout Lake to Birch Lake 9539
Dan Hutt
150221-25 looking from portage to North Red Trout Lake 9545
Dan Hutt
150221-26 portage from North Red Trout Lake to Birch Lake 9546
Dan Hutt
150221-27 overnight encounter, blood on the snow 9548
Dan Hutt
150221-28 legendary Target Hill, Nova Scotia 9560
Dan Hutt
150221-29 legendary Target Hill, Nova Scotia 9562
Dan Hutt
150221-30 Dusan & Dave (D&D) 9568
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