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150613 AFKeepers AGM 2015 by Dan Hutt
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Dan Hutt
150613-01 Patricia welcomes AFKeepers 7669
Dan Hutt
150613-02 Tucker needs some lov'in 7683
Dan Hutt
150613-03 AFKeepers meeting at Tom and Lori's home 7689
Dan Hutt
150613-04 Tucker finds Dale's point very tiresome 7711
Dan Hutt
150613-05 tucking into a great lunch 7717
Dan Hutt
150613-06 a gift for the hosts 7752
Dan Hutt
150613-07 Lori and Tom 7760
Dan Hutt
150613-08 Tom explains Bearwood Farm, the Miller's woodlot 7781
Dan Hutt
150613-09 Kenzie is fascinated by the discussion 7796
Dan Hutt
150613-10 visit to Bearwood Farm 7805
Dan Hutt
150613-11 visit to Bearwood Farm 7807
Dan Hutt
150613-12 Patricia and Matt at Bearwood Farm 7824
Dan Hutt
150613-13 Bearwood Farm 7825
Dan Hutt
150613-14 slash-stash 7836
Dan Hutt
150613-15 Sharon smells the blossoms 7846
Dan Hutt
150613-16 something in bloom, not sure what it is 7857
Dan Hutt
150613-17 successful Black Ash sapling 7858
Dan Hutt
150613-18 successful Black Ash sapling 7859
Dan Hutt
150613-19 wetland 7864
Dan Hutt
150613-20 wetland crossing 7890
Dan Hutt
150613-21 wetland crossing 7899
Dan Hutt
150613-22 touring a patch clear-cut 7934
Dan Hutt
150613-23 restorative clear-cut 7941
Dan Hutt
150613-24 encouraging white pine 7960
Dan Hutt
150613-25 healthy white pine 7964
Dan Hutt
150613-26 red oak protected from browsing deer 7971